Chapter 15-Coming home!

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**Zoe's POV**
I can't tell Joe! He looks so happy with Leah!
"Oh doesn't matter, she remind me of someone.... nice to meet you anyway."
I say to them and walk away!

**Beth's POV**
I finally get to come home!
The doctor told us I don't have diabetes so that is good!
But I have anxiety.. that's going to be fun at school!
**half an hour later**
We pull up at home and Louise's car is parked outside!
I walk in and Louise is sat watching TV!
I grab my phone and start videoing it for instagram!
I hold the record button and creep up on her!
"BOO!" I shout.
She practically jumps out of her skin!
I fall on the floor with laughter and stop videoing it but I'm now clutching my stomach as I'm still laughing!
Zoe, Alfie & Louise are now all vlogging me practically dying on the floor!

About 5 minutes later after I've stopped having my laughing fit Zoe,Alfie & Louise have gone upstairs to film a video so I grab my phone and start scrolling through my social media!

I then get a text from Aaron,

I need you to come in tomorrow!
I have a question to ask you at Lunchtime:)
-A xx

Okay, i think i will be in!
Just got out of hospital!
-B xx

I removed the part about the hospital!
I don't want everyone knowing!

I go to bed quite early seeing as it's Monday tomorrow!

(I'm gonna put 2 days in one! I'm going to skip all the shower & washing stuff etc)

I go to my wardrobe and decide what to wear!
I decide on a white top with some blue jeans and white vans!
I woke up late today so I skip breakfast and walk to school!

When I get to school I get bombarded by Neve,Anais,Paige & Taylor!
Asking if I'm okay and what happened!
I explain and the bell goes and we all go to our tutor rooms!
I walk in and Brooklyn gets up!
I thought she was gonna welcome me back but she trips me up!

I feel the cold hard floor and I look up and see Brooklyn looking down on me!
What just happened?

It comes to lunchtime and I'm sat with Neve, Anais & Paige and I'm explaining what happened with Brooklyn when Aaron and some of his mates come over!
"Um Beth?" He says quietly.
I look at Anais & Neve and look up at him!
"Hey Aaron, they have Lemon Chicken on the menu today! It's really good!" I look at the girls and start smirking!

One of his friends whistle causing to get everyones attention!

Aaron jumps up on to one of the Lunch tables!

"Beth Deyes! Will you do the honours of being my date to the christmas dance?"
I look at him and smile, about to answer when I get interrupted!

"Well Beth? What you gonna say?"
I look up and see Brooklyn standing their, I get up and push her!
Making her stumble backwards!

2 updates in one day bcccc I got over 1.15k now so I thought I would!
Doing that shoutout thing again soo:

followyourdreams44 because she is bae and her book is fab and ilhl💞
paigehouston2525 because once again her book is fab and ilhl💗
followyourheart26 because I'm sososososososososososososososo proud of her for writing a book because every time she says she cbb😂
suggs_princess because her book makes me want to throw my phone at the wall because she leaves it on cliff hangers but at the same time it's fabb!
charlotte_aitken because she forces me to update my book which makes me smile aloott☺️

So yaaaaaa!
Izzzzz x
Once AGAIN have some fruit!
This time it's some oranges and lemons😂

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