Chapter 13-Hospital Blues

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**Joe's POV**
Beth just fell to the floor and I didn't know what to do!
I shouted at Caspar to call 999 and get an ambulance!
I'm shaking, I don't know what has happened to Beth!
She is as cold as ice and she's suddenly gone really pale!
We live right by the hospital so the ambulance get's here ASAP!
They come in and they tell us to stand back!
I suddenly feel sick as they put an oxygen mask over Beth's face and load her onto the stretcher!
Leah wraps her hand around mine and she squeezes it slightly!
"We need someone to come with Beth!"
I stand up so fast it makes me go a bit dizzy!
"I'll go!" I hate hospitals so much!
But Beth is my niece and I care about her alot!
I kiss Leah goodbye and they close the ambulance door and I just sit their shaking and holding Beth's hand!

I then realise I should text Zoe & Alfie..
she is their daughter after all!

Hello There Z&A
Beth fainted when we got to mine and she is in hospital rn😔
I'm sat right by her holding her hand, waiting for her to wake up💗
Doctors haven't told me what happened yet..
-J xx

I press send and wait for my reply from them both!
My phone then vibrates twice!
Wow.. they even send their texts in sync😏

-Z x

I open the text from Zoe then open my one from Alfie!

Joe please keep her safe!
I love her so much, I don't want to lose her💗
-A xx

I close my phone down and look at Beth!
She is my sister's daughter!
They love her so much and when I take her away she could of like died on me!
I hope she hasn't!

I get the feeling I'm going to cry when I hear a faint,

"It's okay Beth! It's okay, I'm here!
Zoe & Alfie are coming!" I inform her!

The heart monitor suddenly starts going out of the roof and the nurses all come rushing in and literally push me out the door!

I then see Zoe & Alfie running up the corridor,
Zoe got tears running down her face!
"Joe, what happened? Why arn't you in their with Beth!?" Alfie says to me panting for breath between each word!

"The doctors pushed me out, her heart rate went to high, they-"

"Joe Sugg? You can now see Beth again!" Zoe pushes past Alfie & Me and rushes in to see Beth!

**Zoe's POV**
I run into Beth's hospital room and see my beautiful girl lying their in the hospital bed!
I can't believe she's actually mine!
I go and sit down in the seat and start playing with her hair!
Alfie & Joe come back in and sit down aswell just stare at Beth & me!
I feel destroyed to see Beth like this!
"Miss & Mr Sugg and Mr Deyes?" We look up and see the doctor at the door!
"Beth has....."

oooh what happened to beth?
idkk and neither do you;)
Louise will be featured in the next chapter!
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Izzzzz x
Once again enjoy some watermelon😂

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