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Come on Zed takes Addi's hand while I take Jack's. There's a place we want to show you to. We tell them. They follow us to the zombie light garden as they look around in awe. Wow it's beautiful! Addison tells him. What is this place? Jack asks me. It's the zombie light garden. The zombie light garden didn't really seem like a garden at all since nothing was growing but it was decorated with lights, making it seem beautiful all the same.

Where are we going? She asked him. For a walk in the park he tells her.

in that moment everything was perfect and we were having a good time. Until I pulled Jack aside and told him. If something bad happens and I fear that it might stay out of sight and go to the theatre then that way you can tell your parents you were in the theatre instead of sneaking out to meet a girl.

You were ready to break all the rules but were you prepared to get into trouble for something you shouldn't had gotten into trouble for? Farrah? He questions me. Fine, but take my spare theatre key if you are ever in trouble the theatre is always open. But why are you saying this? Before I could answer as he gave me his other key I heard footsteps and the scattering of the other zombies as the police officer came to scold us about curfew.

Run! Jack run! Hide, go get out of here! He went around the long way Zed and Addison getting separated in all the chaos. Addison confused on the curfew part got caught by the police. Turn around please zombie?! He asked her but was surprised to see it was Addison. Addison? Gus? Come on let's get you home, you shouldn't even be out here. This is dangerous for humans its not safe.

When she got home her parents were furious with her for sneaking out and asked her what she was doing there and then asked if Jack was with her because his parents noticed he was gone too and worried about where he is. Her mom said. He and the female lead were hanging out in the theatre he should probably still be there still unless he's on his way home from now. Addison where were you?! I was out.... With a boy and my - his twin sister.

Addison we will not allow you to do anything cheer related until we meet this boy! Her mom tells her and that means no cheer competition. Your mother is right I'm sorry Addison but until we meet this boy no more cheer. Addison was greatly disappointed but she wasn't about to argue more about it for the night. And with Jack he was making his way back home from the direction of school.

Jack where have you been we were so worried his parents hugged him. It's ok mom I'm fine me and my friend were just hanging out in the theatre working on some things for the show since you know tomorrow is opening night. Ok, Jack we don't like this running off and us not knowing where you are, you could've been in danger or gotten hurt. And we have to meet this girl you were with or you can't audition for the next play.

Sure, uh no problem he said running a hand at the back of his neck. I'm just glad to now you're safe, but for worrying us you're in big trouble go to bed you need your rest for tomorrow break a leg at the show tomorrow. We love you son, just don't disappear on us again. Bucky was also worried something about thinking you were hanging out with zombies but we said that couldn't be right. Uh no of course not, well goodnight love you guys.

J: You guys ok? Thanks for the tip. My parents weren't thrilled with me disappearing and not telling them where I was but obviously I can't tell them where I really was or there would have been no point in lying. Which I'll get into trouble for later but not tonight. See ya tomorrow break a leg. <3 Goodnight, goodnight parting is such sweet sorrow.

F: Yeah, we're all good here sorry about the police thing and thanks for the key, I'm really sorry about Addison getting in trouble we got mixed up in all the chaos and I was scared.... :( But yeah you too break a leg my fair Romeo :) <3

J: Don't worry about it, but my parents do want to meet you and Addison's parents probably want to meet you and said too for getting into trouble with a boy. I'm not in any real trouble but I can't audition for another play until they meet you.

F: I'm so sorry! :( This is all my fault! :*( If I'd just been born normal.... :*( :*(

J: No, no it's not your fault you haven't done anything wrong than just be yourself and they don't know you're a zombie anyways. But you're great just the way you are. You know that right?! <3 At least I think so. ;) You're beautiful <3 <3

F: Then you're the only one that thinks so. :(

J: Don't worry about it we'll have all day before the matinee before the game or at least the morning unless we go after the play.

F: Or maybe I can meet your parents before or after the play and before I see my parents again after 8 years give or take when they meet Zed a couple hours before the game.

J: It's a date! I mean.... -_- @-@

F: LOL you're so funny! XD See ya tomorrow <3 goodnight, I bless the moon that we may speak again tomorrow :p

Which is exactly what happened.... To be continued....

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