21: the Power of Light

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Yugi thought about her a lot. A month had passed since he beat Pegasus in the Duelist Kingdoms tournament. One long month... without Kira Ellen.

"Thanks, Kaiba for the lift!" Yugi said as he and his friends hopped off the helicopter in Domino City.

"Whatever," Kaiba muttered with a roll of his eyes.

"Well, see you at school Kira," Téa had said, giving the girl a small hug.

"For sure," she replied with a smile.

"I know Grandpa would love for you to visit!" Yugi told her. "You did help us save his soul!"

Kira had smiled at him. "I'd like that! I'll come as soon as I can!"

"Alright! See you!" they all called as the helicopter lifted off again and flew off in the direction of Kaiba Corp.

Kira hadn't been seen since. The day Yugi's Grandpa was released from the hospital, an awful girl named Rebecca had challenged the Mutos to a duel. The gang and their challenger had gone to Kaibaland to battle in the arena. Yugi had been hoping to see Kira there.

"Dueling arenas in Kaibaland are booked for the next three months," Mokuba had told them when they asked for an arena. "But we do owe you big time. I'll get you one."

"Thanks, Mokuba," Yugi had told him.

Mokuba looked around them. "By the way, where is Kira?"

"What do you mean?" Tristan had asked in confusion.

Mokuba blinked. "Kira moved out of our home as soon as we returned from the Duelist Kingdom tournament. Seto and I assumed she went to live with one of you."

"Huh?" Téa said in confusion.

"We haven't spoken to her since the helicopter," Joey told him. "I wonder where she could be."

"No one has heard from her," Mokuba had whined, hanging his head. "I hope she's okay..."

One long month had come and past and Kira had not returned. Now as Yugi was faced in a battle without his friends, without Yami to help him, and without Kira, he risked losing the Millineum Puzzle that had been stolen from him. He had to win the duel to get it back and he was losing...


Kira walked down the alleyway, searching for anything that would give away which direction Yugi had run. He was in danger. She knew it. Kira was apart of the Millineum Puzzle and apart of Yugi. She could feel them. The bounds of the Puzzle never left during her month venture from Dominio City. Thousands of miles away, she had still felt Yugi's pain, the lonesome feeling caused by her departure.

'Yugi!' she tried reaching out again. 'Yugi? Why can't you hear me?' She sighed as she felt herself getting closer to him. 'I hope I'm not too late. He told me this would happen! Maybe I wasn't fast enough!'

Kira picked up speed, trotting anxiously towards the feeling.

'K-kira.....' Yami's voice was weak. But it was there.

'Yami I hear you!' She thought back. 'What's up! Where are you?'

'H-help Y-Yugi....'

'Yami?' she called but the voice was gone. 'Oh no! I'm running out of time! I shouldn't have left!'

Suddenly a new voice bounced off her mind. One that she knew. One that was not welcome.

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