8: Winner Takes It All

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 Téa gasped. "Hang on Kira!".

Kira stared at her ex-boyrfriend with large and shocked eyes.

"Yugi, she's frozen!" Joey exclaimed. "You've gotta help her."

Ghost Kaiba let out a menacing chuckle. "Haha, this is almost too easy!" He smirked at Kira. "Make your move, Kira Kira."

Téa looked to their friend. "Yugi help her!"

"Hang on!" Tristan called to their terrified friend.

"Kira, listen to me," Yami shouted to her and she turned to face him. "Believe in the cards! You have the heart, trust in the card!"

She nodded slowly and then looked down at her cards.

"This is the best I can do," she whispered. "I play Cyberse White Hat in defense mode!" Her monster appeared on the field.

"Oh no, she's not strong enough to withstand the attack." Joey frowned.

Ghost Kaiba snickered. "It's time, Blue-Eyes White Dragon attack!"

Kira closed her eyes and waited for her life points to drop.

'KIRA!' A voice echoed in Kira and Yami's mind.

"Huh?" Yami muttered in confusion as Kira's eyes shot open.

Kaiba's Blue Eyes just stood there, struggling to attack as its image flinched.

"What're you waiting for? Attack!" Kaiba ordered.

"What's happening?" Kira asked as the Blue Eyes tried to move, but it was frozen in place.

Yami smiled. "I don't believe it!"

"What's going on?! My Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" Everyone watched in shock as the monster started melting into a puddle on the ground. "Why...?"

"Why, because!" Yami told him. "Kaiba's still alive! He stopped you!"

Evil Kaiba seemed to let out a deep growl. "Silence! I am Kaiba!"

Yami narrowed his eyes. "Enough! Your charade is over!"

Mokuba grinned. "My brother is alive!"

Kira smiled too, slowly standing up straight again.

Téa looked around at the others. "What's going on?"

"It's like Yugi said. Last time Yugi dueled Seto, he showed Seto the Heart of the Cards! This faker may have taken his deck, but the real Seto Kaiba's alive and well!" Kira said confidently, a tear of relief slowly falling down her cheek.

"Impostor! The real Seto Kaiba destroyed that monster. I know because I sensed him calling out to me when it happened!" Yami shouted. "Now enough of your lies! We know you're not Kaiba! It's time for you to show us who you really are!"

"I told you I am Kaiba! Haha! Or at least I'm part of him, the darkest part!" Evil Kaiba turned into a deranged monstrous figure with dark light swarmed around him. Kira gasped. "I can see you don't recognize me, Yugi. Now I'm back, thanks to Pegasus!"

Mokuba angrily shouted at him. "You're not a part of my brother anymore!"

Téa took a step back. "Eww, it's hideous!"

"I always thought that this duel just might turn ugly," Joey said bluntly. "But I never thought that ugly!"

Mokuba joined in on the insults. "Hey ugly! If I were you, I'd start worrying about what my big brother's gonna do to you when he finally catches up to you!"

Heart of the Duel: A Yu-Gi-Oh FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now