Chapter Eleven

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OK, so you have every reason to be mad; i get it.

please don't stop reading because I do have a tendency to just drop of the face of the earth when I feel uninspired.

I mean nothing by it. This story will be completed even if its the last thing i do... which i hope it isn't because i have this awesome idea for another story but I don't wanna start that until I finish this one... but other than that long pathetic excuse.. As you were.

That weekend, Kaylan woke up with a smile on his face, Why?

Because him, his Papa and Emily were finally going baby shopping!

They were hoping to get things for the nursery, although they didn't know what the baby was yet, they just wanted to get started on the basics, like a crib and changing table and all those other good stuff.

Arriving at the little baby boutique his Papa had heard about from one of his overly baby-excitable friends, they went in and Kaylan was instantly in a baby utopia.

The walls were a cream colour and there were little pictures of storks carrying babies all over the walls, and other baby animals as well.

The baby thing were layed out in display around the boutique with all the cribs and changing tables on one side and then all the car seats and push-chairs on another, and high chairs and baby gates and all sorts of other stuff around.

"Wow" was all he could say.

Emily grabbed his arm and pulled him further into the shop and straight towards the cribs.

"I think we should start with the crib, What do you think Papabear?" she said turning to Eli with her question.

"Yh, i guess thats as good a place to start as any." with a smile he walked over to them and started looking for the perfect crib with them as well.

After looking around for a while, and starting to get tired, Kaylan went to sit on a conveniently placed bench.

Looking around he saw a crib standing right next to where he was sat, getting up he walked over to it.

It was white with carvings of little teddy bears doing various things like playing in the sand and splashing in puddles, it had a side that came down so it could be switched to a toddlers bed as well.

In one word it was perfect. And he wanted it.

The store clerk came to stand beside him, and stare at it as well.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" He asked

Kaylan could only nod as he ran his fingers over the side of it.

"It was hand carved by the Store owners Husband for their baby, but he was a stillborn and the baby never got a chance to sleep in it, it has a matching chest of drawers and a little changing table, as well as a full size mirror. It basically comes as a full set with a curtain hanger and little bits and pieces, like a shelf and a little door plack that says Baby, a coat hanger and a book case." The clerk listed off.

"Not a lot of people want to buy it because you can't buy anything alone, it comes as a full set or nothing, it's been sitting here for 3 years just waiting fot the right person to come along and buy it."

Kaylan could'nt imagine buying anything else but this crib for his baby, and if it came with everything else, then good, it would save him from having to run around more with his Papa and Emily.

"I want it." He said turning towards the store clerk.

His Papa and Emily came over to see it as well.

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