Chapter Six

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I've decided to just update whenever I felt like it... because I've written till chapter 12 and I'm so excited for you all to be on the same page as me (Literally!) that I just keep getting more and more excited to update...

Oh and on a side note, for some starnge reason I dont even understand, I've got this story saved as Ouch on my laptop... It might have been because I stubbed my toe or pocked my self in the eye with my pen.. again.. o.O


Gym, as he had expected, was a complete disaster. But at least he had Massimo in there with him; he was really starting to enjoy his company.

So yh, maybe Em was right.

He walked into the locker room after saying bye to Emily, even though he was going to see her in gym, and half the guys there gave him dirty looks. Ignoring the ignorance as well as he could, he walked over to his own locker, which, thanks to his adoring fans had all kinds of beautiful artwork on it, in the form of various sexual positions and innuendos. Half of them were actually quite good, but if he ever told the people who did them to join the art club, he didn't think they would appreciate it. Oh well.

He quickly started changing his clothes, completely blanking out. When he felt a hand on his shoulder he nearly wet himself in fright, turning quickly he saw it was just Massimo, he sighed in relief and then slapped him on the arm.

"You scared the ever living shit out of me, you stain on humanity!" He breathed out, his heart still racing.

"Wow that is actually the first time someone has ever called me that." Massimo said completely straight faced.

"That's all you have to say after I nearly peed myself in fear? Talking about pee, I REALLY need the toilet!" and with that last statement he ran off to the toilets.

After they were all gathered in the gym, their coach, Ms. Crude (yes, that's actually her name), being the demon from hell that she is, decided they should play volleyball.

That game was seriously made just to torment Kaylan. There was no way he wasn't jinxed when it came to that game, I mean really, who trips over thin air and falls right into an incoming missile style spike? Kaylan does, so you can understand why gym isn't his favorite subject, add to that Michael for the past few months, and the rest of his circle of friends since sophomore year and then you can finally understand.

Coach Crude chose teams after separating the girls, since she knew if she let the boys choose they would be biased and some people wouldn't get chosen. Or they would start fighting about who gets who and who doesn't get Kaylan. Ouch.

But some stroke of luck, he ended up on the same team as Massimo, or Coach Cruel decided to be nice and actually put him in the same team as someone who won't push him over on purpose.

"Massimo, I'm gonna tell you a rather well known fact before we even start, I'm clumsy as hell whenever sports and hard, round things are involved so obviously, volleyball for me is as impossible to me as walking on glass covered hot coal. Actually so is walking."

As soon as he finished that little declaration, coach blew her whistle and the torture began; Kaylan wasn't sure, but it seemed like everyone was aiming straight at him, but luckily, Massimo had taken his earlier statement seriously and was right there every time he nearly got assassinated by a volleyball to throw himself in the line of fire. Well, actually, Massimo was actually quite good. Like really good.

Thankfully, the Beastly Boys didn't really give him any trouble, maybe it was because he was with Massimo most of the time and although the others were quite big, so was Massimo, even though for some reason he didn't seem it to Kaylan. Maybe that was because he reminded him of a teddy bear.

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