Chapter Seven

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Yeah, I'm in a good mood today.


When they finally got to the doctor's office, which Kaylan realized was the one Emily's family owned.

"I'm gonna go sign you in alright?" Emily told him and then left him sitting by himself in the waiting room.

He was really excited and a bit worried about what he was going to find out from the doctor, he wanted to know if the baby was alright and he couldn't wait to hear its heart beat and see it. That would finally confirm that he was really, truthfully, absolutely pregnant.

It would've been nice to have Michael with him, so that they could see their baby together, he really wasn't expecting this to be how he had his first baby, he wanted it to be when he was in a committed relationship with someone who loved him, and they would go to the doctor appointments together and be excited about the baby's sex, and argue about whether they wanted to have a boy or girl or carrier, and then argue about what to name the baby and who the godparents would be.

"Alright so th-" Emily came back and saw that he was crying softly "Oh, Kay" she walked over to him, sat next to him and pulled him into her arms. "It'll be ok, I know it doesn't feel like it but I, your parents and even my family will be there for you"

"I know, but it's not the same as having someone there for me to rub my back when I wake up to puke my guts out and hold my hair back, or to rub my feet when they hurt, or go out at 3 AM to buy me ice-cream just cause I'm craving it or any of that stuff that a partner would do for you" He sobbed, putting his face in his hands "It's not that I don’t want this baby, I just didn't expect this to be how it happened, you know?" He sniffled.

"I know, I know" was all Emily could say as she continued to hold him close.

The door to the waiting room opened and a nurse walked in "The doctor will see your friend now Miss. Di Lucciano"

"You alright to go now? We have to go" Emily let go of him and helped him up.

"Yeah, let's go"

They followed the nurse to the room where the doctor was waiting for them, who turned out to be Emily's older brother Lessander Di Lucciano, who like Kaylan was a carrier, him and his boyfriend, Brandon Mathers, of 9 years had two kids, identical twin boys, who were 7 years old and as is typical with twins they were a menace to society.

"Hey Kaylan" he said as he came forward to hug him, "How've you been feeling lately? Not too much stress I hope?" He guided Kaylan towards the exam table and sat him down.

"I'm alright, How're the twins?" He asked as he took off his jacket as he was made to sit down.

"The twins," Lessander breathed, "are driving us up the wall, I'm hoping they get rid of all their need to rebel now before they're teens, because I honestly don't know how we're going to deal with them then. They're currently rebelling against Bath time and Nap time."

"Oh God, I hope I don't have twins!" Was Kaylan's panicked reply.

"Calm down!" Emily exclaimed as she slapped him on the back of the head.

"Don't hit him you freakish imp!" Lessander answered as he slapped her on the back of the head.

"You're short too!" she shouted back holding her head.

Kaylan wandered if he should try to put a stop to their pointless argument of who was shorter, seeing as they were the same height and he was shorter than both of them. What with them being 5' 6'' and him being 5' 1".

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