Chapter Two

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hello.... I'm actually disappointed at the number of reads i got. =[ 

anyway... ----> Kaylan's Dad Maximus 'Max' Mathews

*Sob* How the hell do I get more readers?!

Re: I changed Kaylan's Dad's name because in my original draft i had it as something else and when i went back and reread, i wrote the rest of it as his name being Maximus and it really is relevent in like chapter 8, so...

"Does he know?" 

"I haven't told him yet, but it's not like I haven't tried to tell him though, but everytime i walk up to him, he sees me then he walks away in the opposite direction" and it was true, Michael was treating him like some kind of plague, everytime he saw him he would walk in the opposite direction or right passed him without a second glance. ouch.

"ok, ok alright, obviously there will not be any talk of getting rid of it right?" his Dad asked, clearly panicking.

"No, dad im not getting rid of it!" he screamed. wow hormones "how could you even ask me that!" ok definetly hormones

"Maximus!" his father looked shocked

"what? I was just asking a question!" ok his dad was really panicking. "Oh God, my baby's having a baby!" nope excited.

"I think I'm gonna just head up to bed now"  Kaylan just wasnt in the mood for this conversation, he really just wanted to go to bed.

Atleast now he didn't have his cronic morning sickness, cause seriously, how many times can you barf up nothing?

The next morning found Kaylan as it does most pregnant people at five am, throwing up more nothing, since he went to bed without eating anything.

'this is getting really irritating, really fast' that thought went threw his mind at least five or six times a day these days, he didnt know if this was actually healthy and until yesterday he hadn't really had anyone to ask, so mentally noting down 'ask papa if this is normal' he went to get dressed for another day in hell.

After getting dressed in a pair of dark blue skinnies, grey long-sleeved top and his favourite black hoodie on top, he went down to the kitchen to find something that would actually stay down this time, which could be only water like the past two days.

as he aproached the kitchen he heard his Papa singing along to the the radio, as he walked in he saw his Papa making a sandwich, which strangely enough, he was putting gingerjam in.

"What are you doing?" he asked suspeciously 

"Huh? oh morning Jellybean, I'm making you a pack lunch. Sit down and I'll bring you some breakfast that you should be able to keep down"

"alright but whats with the ginger jam?" he asked as he sat down at the island

"well," his papa started as he put some toast with ginger jam in front of him "when I was pregnant with you, the only thing that I could keep down was ginger jam, so i started putting ginger in everything for the whole of my first trimester. It should also help withthe nausea"

Kaylan took a bite of his toast as he papa finished talking and went back to doing whatever it was he usual did in the morning. Surprisingly, his stomach didn't immediatly reject the toast, in fact it was rather nice and his stomach settled instantly.

why the hell didn't I tell them earlier?

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