Chapter Eight

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And the good mood continues


When they arrived at Kaylan's house, his parents were waiting for them in the dining room.

"Hey Jellybean, how did it g-" His Papa started to ask, until he noticed Massimo standing with them.

"Oh well hello, you must be Massimo yes?" Eli came over to say hi and check out the guy his baby was falling in love with. "Did you go with them then?"

"Nice to meet you, and no, I met them there while I was doing something for Nana Clementine, we were babysitting the twins, and Gage smacked Grayson over the head with a cup and it shattered so we had to take him to the ER, I was supposed to get Lessander so I was there looking for him."

"Oh God! Why didn't you say that earlier?!" Emily screamed slapping him over the head.

"OW! I didn't because he's fine! It was only 2 stitches! And I told Lessander already and all he did was sigh and tell me to go with you guys!" he screamed back "And stop hitting me, you skanky ballsack!"

"Alright, I'll set up another place" was all his Papa had to say about the situation, completely ignoring Emily and Massimo who were still screaming at each other.

After dinner, during which Massimo and Emily were still screaming at each other, they all went up to Kaylan's room to watch a movie before Massimo and Emily left.

"So you're pregnant then?" Massimo broke the silence as they lay on his bed watching Ironman 2, which Kaylan loved. Robert Downey Jr. was his wet dream come true.

Kaylan looked over at him and blushed.


"And that guy from the other day? He's the baby daddy?" Ah, yeah, he'd completely forgotten that Massimo was actually there that day to witness the official worst day in history.


"Well he's a dickfaced snake."

Kaylan looked over at Massimo, he was still watching the TV screen.


"Do you know what it is yet?" Massimo looked over at Kaylan, who had turned back towards the TV.

"Hmm? No, not yet. I'm not sure when you're supposed to find out but I don't really care what it is." He turned to face Massimo, who quickly turned back to the TV.

"Really? That's good."

"I suppose, though it would be nice to know what I'm gonna have to be later, and what colors to do the nursery and that. Wow, now I'm getting all excited!"

Massimo chuckled at Kaylan's excited smile. He ruffled Kaylan's hair, getting it all in his face.

"Stop that!" Kaylan whined, trying to fix his hair and get it out of his face.

Massimo chuckled at he's flustered look and ruffled his hair again, laughing when Kaylan tried to hit him. And promptly falling off the bed.

Kaylan Laughed his head off when Massimo poked his head up from the side of the bed grinning.

"Hey! No laughing!" He got back on the bed, jumped over a sleeping Emily and attacking Kaylan's sides.

"STOP! Hahahahaha! Stop it! I'm r-really-Hahahaha- TICKLISH!" Kaylan got out between laughs

"Say mercy!" Massimo declared, still wiggling his fingers over Kaylan's sides.

"MERCY! MERCY!" Kaylan Struggled to get away from the hands tickling him mercilessly.

Massimo finally stopped when he saw that Kaylan was getting out of breath, Kaylan lay on his back gasping with a big beaming smile splitting his face. 'God I definitely needed that'

"Say-" Massimo started, but was interrupted by Kaylan's Dad opening the bedroom door.

"Jellybean, Papa wants to know what the doc said about driving?" He walked and saw that both the boys looked flustered and Kaylan was grinning like a loon. And Emily was totally unaffected in her sleep.

"What happened in here?" he questioned looking slightly protective even though he hadn't seen Kaylan that happy since the whole pregnancy thing, but he was a Dad and he needed to protect his baby at his moment of vulnerability.

"Massimo just discovered my pitifully sensitive sides," Kaylan answered, still grinning from ear to ear, obviously not as upset as that statement suggested. "He wouldn't stop tickling me, the beast!"

"Ah" Was all Maximus could say to the declaration.

"Hi, Mister Mathews, Massimo Di Lucciano." Massimo said getting of the bed and shaking hands with Maximus. He hadn't gotten the chance before because he was too busy putting the harlot back in her place.

"Call me Maximus." Maximus answered, back giving the hand held out to him a firm shake.

"Maximus? Totally cool, that's like, the English version of my name!" He exclaimed, grinning his usual charming grin.

"Yes, I noticed" Maximus smiled back, glancing over at Kaylan as he said it.

"Huh?" Kaylan mumbled sleepily, noticing the look.

"Nothing Baby, go to sleep. I'll tuck you and Em in," glancing back at Massimo "You are gonna have the guest room, Em usually takes it but you can have it tonight. I'll show the way."

Massimo followed Maximus down the hall to the guest room, and just as he was going to walk in Maximus stopped him.

"I don't know what your intentions are towards my son, but he's already been hurt enough so if you’re just using him because you think he's cute, I'm telling you now; back off."

Massimo looked him right in the eyes and his eyes didn't falter when he saw the protectiveness there.

"Sir, I truly like Kaylan, I can tell he likes me too, and I have absolutely no intention to hurt him like his baby daddy. I wanna be there for him and the fact that the package also involves a little one doesn't make me want it any less. If anything I want it more, I love kids and although I didn't think about any at this age, now that the opportunity to be with someone I know is a keeper, why say no?" Massimo finished his voice steady through the whole speech.

Maximus smiled at the look he saw in the young man's eyes.

"Well, you have our permission, but, if you do hurt him, don't expect any mercy from me."

"Yes, sir"

Maximus left Massimo to get some sleep and went back to Kaylan's room to tuck him and Emily into bed.

When he got there, he found Kaylan cuddled to Emily's feet, rubbing his face in them. He grimaced and went to rescue his baby from eating Emily's dirty feet.

After tucking them both in he kissed them both on the head and turned off the blaring TV, which by the looks of it, was Kaylan's Robert Downey Jr. 'Marathon Movies DVD'.

He turned off the light on his way out and closed the door, before going down the hallway whistling a merry tune, thinking about how he was going to find Eli in bed tonight. Yum.

In Kaylan's room, he twitched as he heard the tune through the door.

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