Chapter Nine

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I Hate Michael.. Well, not really cause I know that really he's just confused about his feelings for adorable Kaylan hehehehehehe =p


The rest of the week was painfully monotonous.

Michael seemed to be avoiding him; thank god, and his cronies left him alone mostly. Probably wondering why their mighty leader wasn't trying to make his dreadfully dreary life more exciting with his delightful presence. Not.

Him and Massimo seemed to be getting better acquainted with each other. They definitely had a lot in common; they liked the same music, mostly punk rock like Green Day and Kill Hannah and rock like Linkin Park, they both enjoyed Art, although they definitely liked different types; Kaylan liked Watercolors, Massimo liked Oil, Kaylan liked Stained glass, and Massimo liked Pottery and so on. They both had the same sense of humor too which made their conversations epically confusing to anyone else when they were joking.

Massimo also seemed to make Kaylan feel safe when he was around. Like a cuddly Cerberus.

The week just seemed to fly by and the weekend ended as him, Emily and, much to her irritation, Massimo, hung out.

They went to the mall to shop for some bigger clothes for Kaylan as he was starting to find it difficult to fit into his own, and they also went out for ice-cream whenever Kaylan was craving as his parents still weren't letting him drive.

Come one, seriously?!

Though his cravings were actually quite disgusting. Like mustard covered ice-cream of any flavor, pickles and chocolate and banana ice-cream, ginger jam, turkey, jelly and lemon sherbet sandwiches. Ew.

When Tuesday came around again, he was so worked up, didn't even pay attention to any of his classes, which wasn't good since they we're doing something for an upcoming project for science. Shit, something else to worry about.

After school, he was practically bouncing as he waited for Emily and Massimo by Em's car.

Emily had to get something for the student council from the principle and Massimo had gone to get a sheet with all the clubs available since he had to join one before the end of the week or the office would just choose for him and he'd have to go. Yes, their school had such cruel and unusual torture.

He was pulling out his phone to call them when he noticed someone walking towards him, looking closer he saw it was the one, the only, Michael Jacobs. Great.

"Shit" he muttered as Michael came closer, he really didn't need this right now. Or ever.

"What do you want?" he asked when Michael was finally standing in front of him.

"What makes you think I want anything from you?" Michael asked him, glaring at him through hazel eyes.

"Maybe the fact that you're standing in front of me in an otherwise empty parking lot?" Kaylan answered sarcastically.

"Stop doing that!" Michael muttered angrily

"Or what? You’re forgetting that you don't either go out with me or own me. You have no right to tell me what to do" Kaylan remarked calmly.

For some reason Kaylan didn't understand, that seemed to make Michael angrier.

"Yeah? Well, maybe the fact you're carrying my baby does!" he yelled in Kaylan's face.

Kaylan stood there looking up at Michael in shock.

"what?" Kaylan hissed finally, "I thought I was a whore and I'd slept with every man I met! I thought there was no way it was yours!" Kaylan yelled back.

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