Chapter Twelve

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this one is dedicated to.. Deeja. <3 hope you like it! love you and miss you! see you june =D

and to the rest of you, I'm sorry this took so long.. what can i say.. No inspiration? will you believe that better than I had it just sitting there and couldn't post it because i was worried and about chapter 15? who would?

anyway.. on with the sweetness.

Kaylan, Massimo and Emily made their way to the canteen that night after working for hours on their separate projects, they were supposed to all have dinner together and then they were allowed to go and do their own thing until midnight when it was finally lights out.

Kaylan was actually starving. Well ok, not really because he had started walking around with snacks as the pregnancy book his parents bought him suggested. He just got hungry a lot since he had started his second trimester.

They walked over to the food line and picked out their dinner, Kaylan had roast chicken with gravy, mustard, pickles in hot sauce and a lot of chopped onions. Massimo got the vegetarian lasagna, and Emily got a whole pizza.

Seriously, she even said she wasn't sharing.

The pig.

For desert, they all got a slice of apple crumble with custard, and because his craving for mustard still wasn't leaving him alone he also had to get some mustard to go with desert. Even he thought that was gross, but what Jellybaby wants, Jellybaby gets.

"So, have you lot actually started this pathetic project or are you procrastinating like yours truly?" Emily asked them in a cheerful voice.

Kaylan just stared at her in wonder. How she had actually survived 18 years of life with all her limbs intact astounded him.

"You're retarded, aren't you?" Massimo stole the words right out of his mouth.


She went back to eating her food as Massimo and Kaylan exchanged a look.

"Anyway, I think I'm going to the toilet." Kaylan got up to go use the toilet, he seriously needed to pee, like, yesterday.

Kaylan shuffled into the toilet and went to a stall in the back and started taking care of his business.

He wandered what it was Massimo had been trying to tell him for the passed few days.

Maybe he was trying to ask him out? He did always seem to to try whenever they were alone and in a situation that could be considered intimate... Right?

Nah. he was probably over thinking this, he'd let Massimo tell him when he was ready.

He finished off in the stall and walked out and went over to the sink to wash his hands.

"I heard you've been asking Ms. Daniels if you and that scumbag could work alone."

Oh, what an ending to an already tiring day.

"Listen, can we not do this? If Massimo sees that your anywhere near me, he's gonna flip."

"What? is he your boyfriend now? Can't do anything unless he says ok?"

Kaylan dried his hand off on some tissue paper and tried to walk away and ignore Michael, but obviously Michael wasn't done.

"Where the fuck do you think your going, whore? I ain't done yet." Michael grabbed his arm.

"Get off of me, Michael." he hissed, trying to shake Michael's arm off.

"Don't piss me off, I haven't done you anything so call off your fucking pit bull when I want to talk to you, got it? That's my baby, and if I want to ask how he's doing, I will."

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