Chapter Five

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Well, I promised a chapter a week and I delivered. Yay!!! 

Errmm.. I don't really know what else to say... 

I spent half the day trying to find the stupid link so I could find the picture of what Massimo looks like... FML.

Btw, the only reason i've got this as R is because of the sweraing, I don't wanna take any chances, but also, Kaylan is pregnant and when he reaches that stage; who knows what could happen...*Evil Smirk*

------------------------------------------------------------------->>> That's Massimo, ain't he just a sweetheart? *Lovestruck sigh*


"EEEEWWWW!" Emily screamed as she jumped up trying to avoid getting sick all over her clothes "Massimo, help him to the bathroom!"

Massimo sat there with a shocked and slightly concerned look on his face "Are you alright?" he asked as he rubbed Kaylan's back, looking him over as he did.

Kaylan finished heaving his guts up and looked up at Massimo when he felt him rubbing his back "What?" he asked, his voice was croaky from throwing up all over the place, he really needed a drink... and to wash his mouth out. Thankfully, he knew this was going to happen at some point and so he brought his toothbrush and toothpaste with him.

"Y-yeah, I'm better now, though I really need to wash my mouth, and you could use another shirt as well, sorry" he said looking Massimo over. He really threw up ALL over him. Oops.

"Alright, let's go then" and with that he lifted Kaylan and carried him bridal style all the way to the bathroom, and of course because Fate thinks he needs more "adventure" in his life, they walked right. Passed. Michael. Great.

"What the Fuck is this?!" he heard Michael mutter under his breath. Again great.

"There you go" Massimo said as he put Kaylan back on his feet in front of the mirror in the bathroom. Then he proceeded to take his beautifully fitted navy blue t-shirt off.

Kaylan, who was already blushing from being carried all through the school, at lunch time, went so red he thought he might actually pass out. This was actually possible what with his pregnancy and all.

"W-wha-wha-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" he stuttered, quickly looking away.

"I'm changing my shirt, why?" Massimo answered casually looking over at Kaylan "Awww, are you embarrassed?" he teased, draping himself over Kaylan's back "turn around Kay, come on, you can look if you want, I don't have anything to hide, I mean come on, I'm practically eye diabetes" he boasted as he posed in front of the mirror. He looked over at Kaylan to see if he was looking and found him peeking at him through his fingers. Massimo smirked and walked over to he and put his arms on his shoulders, holding at arm's length "Do you feel better now?" he asked looking him over in concern.

"Y-yh, better" he mumbled through his fingers.

And of course at that moment, to finish his day off in a trilogy of suck, who walks in through the door but the one and only, Michael.

He looks over at them, looking at Kaylan who looks flushed and Massimo, with no shirt on and comes to the only logical conclusion to an outsider, "What the fuck? So this is the guy then? Whose mistake you're actually carrying? You really are a complete whore aren't you?"

"No! I-"

"Save it! What I wanna know is if you actually so lovey dovey with him, why the fuck were you trying to pin you're shit on me?"

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