Chapter Thirteen

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I apologise for how short this chapter is, but believed me I tried to make it bigger, it refused to be added to in anyway. Let me know what you think, cause I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter. 

After the wonderful kiss they had shared, Kaylan and Massimo had gone to bed seeing as Kaylan was exhausted from all the excitement of the day.

Waking up the next day with a smile on his face he turned on to his other side to stare at Massimo who was still asleep in the bed next to his.

What the hell did Massimo see in him? He was just plain old Kaylan, plus he was pregnant with someone else's child, so how could Massimo possibly want him?

"It's because when I look at you, I see that you’re just Kaylan, nothing else. Not plain, not a slut, not anything other than who you are, and I like what I see, I like the color of your eyes, I like the way your hair smells and the way it frames your face, I like your smile and your pouting face, and most of all I like your eyes, which express everything your feeling and more, I like the way your whole face lights up when you talk about Jellybaby, and I wonder if he'll look anything like you, and if he'll have that beautiful smile or those eyes or if he'll be like you, and I wanna be there to see if he does, and I wanna see what kind of smile you'll save just for him and if I'll ever get that smile directed at me too. That's why I want you, Kaylan Mathews."

Kaylan hadn't realized that he had been talking out loud, nor had he noticed that Massimo was awake.

Massimo had gotten up while he was talking and was crouched in front of him on the floor next to the bed, staring into his eyes while he made his speech.

Kaylan sat up quickly, his eyes were wide as Massimo got on the bed, kneeling in front of him, and he didn't know what to say.

He started tearing up and sniffling as he stared into Massimo's eyes and saw that he meant every word of what he was saying.

"Hey, don't cry!" Massimo had a panicked look on his face as he tried to get Kaylan to stop crying, he ran into the bathroom and then came back with some tissue to wipe Kaylan's tears away, but it just made him cry even more, because if he was to take what Massimo was saying then, it meant he wanted to stay with him and wipe his tears for the rest of their live, and not only his tears but his baby's tears as well, he wanted to be the one to teach his baby how to ride a bike and how to play baseball, and he wanted to be there to take him to his first day of school and to get his first car. 

He wanted to be there when they were both old and wrinkly like Nana and Pappi Di Lucciano, and Kaylan realized that he wanted that too.

"I'm not crying cause I'm sad, Massimo, it's just, a-after I found out I-I was p-pregnant I just thought I would never get the c-chance to be w-with anyone! But then you come out of nowhere and all I ever do with you is laugh and you make me feel a hundred time better about myself and I started falling for you but the last time I fell for someone, he had sex with me then threw me away and told all his friends I was a slut, and then when I told him I pregnant he said it wasn't his and that I was a whore and never spoke to me again" he sobbed as Massimo pulled him into a hug, cradling him against his chest.

After the emotional start of the day, Kaylan was subdued and just let Massimo held his hand and lead him around with a smile on his face.

When they got back to school on Monday, Kaylan was relieved that he didn't see Michael around, he was really dreading seeing him again. 

The day went fairly normal except that he and Massimo were a couple and so they were doing a lot of couple things.

Massimo would walk him to his classes with an arm wrapped around his waist and Kaylan a slight blush on his face, he would drop him off with a sweet kiss on the forehead and another on the lips. At lunch, they sat with Massimo leaning his back on a tree and Kaylan with his back leaning on Massimo's chest, and he would feed him his food slowly. 

All in all, it was a good day, even if Emily kept giving them disgusted faces when they did something even remotely coupley. Like she wasn't the same when she was dating that other guy from Finland last year... Yeah.

Kaylan couldn’t wait to get back home, the rest of the day him and Massimo spent working on their projects, and unfortunately since they still live on the same plain of existence as Michael, they bumped into him quite often, Kaylan was starting to suspect stalking now.

He managed to keep Massimo from going all UFC on him, but just barely. Massimo really needed to chill out.

For some strange reason though, they didn't see much of Emily either, they didn't even see her at meal times. She was disappearing a lot lately.

He knew she was up to something. He could smell it.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 28, 2013 ⏰

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