Chapter Ten

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Alright, to all my loyal readers sorry this took so long, I've found my muse again, she was hiding at the bottom of the sea... Who would've guessed? Not me.


Kaylan was getting ready for school in a bit of a daze the next day.

His little Jellybaby was growing, and was healthy and so was he, minus the whole being underweight thing.

the only problems were that he was totally exhausted and still nauseous all the time. Like now.

Kaylan ran out of his room, heading to the toilet to throw up. He really hated morning sickness.

When Emily picked him up that morning with Massimo, they both noticed that he looked tired, and slightly out of it.

"You alright Kaylan?" Massimo petted Kaylan's hair.

"Hmm? Yeah, I'm good" Was the mumbled reply.

Emily and Massimo exchanged looks, before looking back at Kaylan.

"Maybe you should stay home today?" Emily suggested.

"No. I have to go cause Dad's coming in later to tell the principle about Jellybaby and I have to be there too." Kaylan closed his eyes and laid his head on Massimo's shoulder.

"So then why don't you just come in with him?" Massimo asked as he put his arm around Kaylan's shoulders and pulled him closer.

"Because you don't know our school, they won't care if you're dying, you have to be in school if a parent is coming in to speak with the principle." Emily answered, as it didn't seem like Kaylan would seeing how he was fast asleep.

By lunchtime, after sleeping his way through Art, Geo and History, Kaylan really was ready to go home, Thank God his Dad called and told him to come to the office.

Waving goodbye to Massimo and Emily, who had history with him, he made his way to the principles office.

"Hey Jellybean, how you been doing today?" His Dad pulled him into a hug as Kaylan walked into the Principal's office to find them already there.

"Alright." he answered as he snuggled into his Dad's chest.

"Well, we can go home now, I've already told Mr. Brooks about the pregnancy so you don't have to stay today if you don't want to"


Maximus smiled down at his son's head and kissed his forehead, still holding him he turned towards Mr. Brooks, "So, I'll be taking him home now and hopefully, I won't have to see you again till graduation, alright Harvey?"

Did Kaylan mention that his Dad and the Principal were friends in their high school day?

"Sure Max, I'll see you then. Kaylan, Congratulations and good luck with the baby" Mr. Brooks smiled at them and watched as they left the office.

The next morning, Kaylan still felt like shit, which was weird cause he had read in a pregnancy book he got from his Papa, that at week thirteen, he should start feeling less tired and that his nausea should decrease as well. It was still going strong as far as Kaylan could see.

Again, he slept all the way to school, and went about the rest of his classes in a daze.

He noticed that Massimo was always there to snap him back to the present when need be, always held him steady when he trips over thin air, it wasn't until Gym that he really appreciated Massimo becoming his shadow.

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