He's angry -Michael imagine

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You were sitting outside on the back porch, reading your favorite book, The Maze Runner for the millionth time. It was a beautiful day in Sydney, and you couldn't wait for Michael to get back from the studio so you could spend it with him. After another half hour or so of reading, you hear the the front door open and shut aggressively. You don't think much of it, but start worrying when you walk inside to see a dark-eyed, red-faced, pacing Michael.
"Um Mikey, are you...is everything ok?" You ask while sub-consciously chewing on your lip, afraid that you might just irritate him more than he already was, for reasons you didn't yet know. "Y/N, I need you to go. I'm really freaking angry right now and I don't want to make the mistake of taking it out on you, so please go. Im sorry. I love you, I'll let you know when Im calm."
Instead of trying to get answers out of him, you simply give him a quick hug, and continue reading your book on the porch. You didn't mind that Michael wasn't in the mood to talk, in fact, you thought it was sweet and considerate that he told you to leave in order that his anger wasn't taken out on you. That was one of the many things you absolutely loved about him.
You became so completely lost in your book, that you don't notice when Michael walked out onto the porch and sat down beside you (song reference WHADDUP).
"Hey, Y/N?" Your head shoots up from you book, a bit startled by Michael's sudden, unexpected appearance. "Jeez Mikey, you scared me!" You say to him with a giggle. "Sorry." He replies, also laughing.
"Uh anyway...I'm sorry I was so mad before...I had a crappy day at the studio and my mom isn't being very supportive at the moment and some of the 'fans' on Twitter are just driving me insane and-" you cut him off by kissing him, and pulling him in for a tight hug. "It's ok, Mikey. You don't have to be sorry because all you did was protect my feelings and told me to leave so you wouldn't take your rage out on me. I appreciate that and I love you." Michael immediately smiles and nuzzles his head into your neck. "I love you too, Y/N."
You and Michael spend the afternoon/evening, having a water gun fight, having a pizza eating contest, and staying up till 2:30 AM watching Disney movies and by the next day, he doesn't even remember what made him so furious in the first place.

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