Coffee house -Ashton AU

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The old, wooden floor creaked as you entered the coffee house, the smell of fresh coffee and pastries filling your nostrils. You walked up to the counter, smiling as you say hi to the cashier, who's also your best friend. "A medium French vanilla coffee with cream and no sugar?" She asks you. You laugh and nod your head, "yup, thats it." "So what's up, Y/N?," Y/BF/N asks you. "Also that'll be $1.27." She adds before you answer her question. "Not much, I'm exhausted though. I've been running errands all day and I seriously need some caffeine." You give your friend the money as she hands you the warm mug. "Well hopefully this'll help. There are some customers behind you that I've gotta take care of, but I'll see you later." "Alright, see ya." You smile before sitting down at a small table near a large window, watching the rain fall. You felt relaxed when you came here, it was always so peaceful and quiet. You took a sip of your drink as your friend walked over to where you were sitting. "Hey, this is from the guy over there. Not gonna lie, he's really good-looking." She says while setting a scone down on your table and gesturing to a cute, curly-haired boy sitting on the other side of the café. You glance over to where she's pointing and see him smile at you, which you happily return. "You're right, he is. Should I go over there?" Y/BF/N rolls her eyes. "DUH you should go over there! It's been what, like 3 years since you've been on a date? Go talk to him! If you don't, I will." She says, smirking. "Alright, alright. Calm down, freak." She sticks her tongue out at you, and you laugh before gathering your things and standing up. "Ok. I'm going over there, wish me luck." You walk over to the cute boy's table and sit down. "Hi," you say shyly. "Thanks for the scone." He smiles at you, "you're welcome. You're really gorgeous you know." You can feel your face heat up instantly. "Oh um. I didn't know that actually." You look down at your feet and fiddle with your bracelet, still blushing. "So what's your name?" You ask, breaking the silence. "I'm Ashton. And you are?" "I'm Y/N." "Nice to meet you, Y/N. Now tell me about yourself. I wanna get to know you." You two start talking and realize you have a lot in common. Like, a lot. You like the same music, share the same hobbies, and both love Nutella. "Well, Ashton. I'm really sorry, but I have to get going." You say, a little sad as you collect your things. "Wait! Y/N, before you leave. Could I uh...get your number?" He says, a little unsure of himself, which you find adorable. "Yeah of course. It's Y/number." He quickly types it into his phone before thanking you for it. "No problem, thanks for the scone again. And for inviting me to sit with you." "Yeah sure. I guess I'll see you later then." He says and smiles which shows off his perfect dimples. You left the coffee house, glad that you had the opportunity to talk with someone as sweet as Ashton. You were definitely looking forward to seeing him again.

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