Music shop -Michael AU

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You loved music shops more than anything in the world. You loved the way the vinyl records and CD cases perfectly lined the shelves in alphabetical order, the way there was always a beautiful indie song playing ever so quietly for background noise, the way the cashiers greeted you so nicely and always expected your frequent visits- you just loved it.
Your fingers swept across a few vinyls as you tried to decide between two albums: Dookie by Green Day, and Nevermind by Nirvana. Normally you would just buy both, but work had been slower lately and you didn't have very much money to spend, especially since you had just received your credit card bill.
"Can't decide?" a thick, Aussie voice asks from behind you, making you jump a little. "Yeah. I love them both but I only have the money for one. What's your preference?" You ask, turning around to face a beautiful blonde haired boy. "Dang that's hard." "Tell me about it." You agree. "Screw it, I'll buy you one of them." He says, getting out his wallet. "What? I mean that's really sweet but I literally just met you and you don't-" he cuts you off. "It's fine, I promise. But I'll only do it under one condition." He says. "Uh ok, depends on what it is." You reply. "How about you let me take you out on a date in exchange for the vinyl?" He asks, smiling. You blush a little, it's been forever since you were asked out, especially by someone so handsome and sweet. "Y-yeah definitely. I'd love that!" You say excitedly. "What's your number? Oh and your name. I never got that." He asks you with a chuckle, pulling out his phone. "It's (Y/Number). And my name is Y/N." "You have a beautiful name. Mine's Michael." He says, shaking your hand. "Oh thank you, and nice to officially meet you, Michael." "Ok now that that's done, let's go get you checked out." He says, not giving you enough time to respond before taking your hand and practically dragging you to the counter. "Michael, you really don't have to do this." "Nonsense, I wanna do this. Just say thanks and appreciate the fact that a super attractive guy is buying you a record and taking you out." "Oh shut up, I could've said no." You say, jokingly. "Ha! Like you would want to." He says smirking. He takes the vinyls out of your hand and placed them on the counter, taking some money out of his wallet and putting it on the counter as well. "Wait! You said you'd buy me one. If you buy both I'll feel guilty." You insist. "Too late. Already paid. I guess since I paid for both of them, I should get the reward of taking you on a date right now instead of having to wait." "Wow, did you plan this whole thing out? I'm not gonna lie, you're pretty smooth for someone who's also extremely cocky. It's quite ironic, really." You say, thanking the cashier as you take the bag from her hand and start walking out of the store with Michael beside you. "I actually have planned this out. This is going to sound a little creepy, but I've actually seen you a few other times in the shop and it took me forever to get the courage to talk to you, because you're like really beautiful. So I planned this whole thing out and it's surprisingly going as planned!" He admits, looking down at his feet. At first you're at a loss of words, no one had ever been so kind to you as this boy, especially for someone you'd just met. "Uh, Y/N, you ok?" He asks as he looks up to see you with your mouth slightly agape. "Oh yeah I'm um. Sorry wow I just, no one's ever actually planned out a way to get someone like me out on a date. You're a really nice guy you know." You say, your face turning red. "And also, you've officially won me over. Where shall we go?" You ask, smiling. He smiles back at you as you walk around the village until you find a cute café to eat, and that's how your relationship started.


I really hope you like this AU. Also for the longest time I didn't know what an AU was so in case you're like me, it's like a preference but the boys aren't famous in it. I'm going to make a lot more, so request them anytime. ☺️💓

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