Last words - Ashton Irwin imagine

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Your POV:
You're in the kitchen making dinner when you get an unexpected phone call from a number you don't recognize. You decide to answer in case it's important. "Hello?" "Hello. Is this Y/N Y/L/N?" "Um...yes. Why?" The voice isn't familiar, but you continue on with the phone call anyway. "Do you know of anyone with the name 'Ashton Irwin'?" "Yes! Yes I do. Is everything ok?" You start to panic once you hear his name. "Ashton was involved in a car accident while driving on the highway. He got injured severely, with the possibility of...death." "No no no no!" You shout, the tears already streaming down your cheeks. "Where is he?" You ask quickly. "We took him to ____ Hospital. He requested that we call you so you can visit him there." "I'm on my way!" You reply and grab your car keys, not even thinking to lock your house up on the way out. "Thank you." You tell the man on the phone. "Of course. I'm sorry to have to tell you about this." He then hangs up, and you're already on the road. After several minutes of running reds and speeding, you eventually pull into the lot of the hospital. You run to the doors and burst them open, fresh tears forming in your eyes. "I'm here for Ashton Irwin." You tell the lady at the counter, your voice cracking multiple times. She hands you a slip of paper with his floor and room number written on it. "Thanks." You mumble and she gives you a sympathetic smile in return. You speed walk to the elevator and click on the number 3 button. Once you reach the right floor, you find your way to Ashton's room. You slam the door open, not caring to knock. "Ashton!" You screech, taking a seat next to him and reaching for his bruised hand. His whole face is red, open cuts everywhere. The rest of the boys are surrounding his cot, worry and sadness written all over their faces. "I love you, Ashton. So much." "I love you, Y/N." You kiss his forehead and turn to face the nurse. "How is he?" You ask anxiously. She opens her mouth but no words come out. She lightly pulls your arm and leads you to away from his bed to the corner of the room. Finally she speaks. "He's...not well. He's suffering from a collapsed lung and an intracranial hemorrhage. He could have anywhere from several minutes to an few hours. I'm so sorry." You're now sobbing, thinking about a life without Ashton. "Hey, hey. Don't cry, sweetheart." He tries comforting you, only making you cry harder. "It's gonna be ok, Y/N." "No, Ash. I love you! You can't leave me, I can't go on without you. I can't, Ashton. I can't." "You can, Y/N! I'll always be with you in your heart, ok? I love you so much. I want you to be happy. I want you and the boys to be happy. I want the fans to be happy. I love you all so much. But please, stay strong. It's all I want from you. Y/N, you're my everything. You've changed my life. Completely. And I'm sorry for this, it's not fair. I know how much you wanted to get married and have kids, and grow old together. So I'm sorry for breaking those promises. Well, all but one." He then pulls a black, velvet box out from his pocket, wincing in pain, and opens it up, revealing a gorgeous, diamond ring. Your sobs get louder and your practically drowning in your own tears. "Y/N, while I still have some time. Would you-" He coughs, his breathing obviously getting heavier. "Would you make me the happiest man alive...and marry me?" You can't speak because of all the tears you're crying. Instead you just nod your head and kiss him passionately. He slips the ring onto your finger, and kisses you again. "Ashton, p-please. D-don't go." "You'll be ok. I promise. I love you so much, Y/N, words can't even describe. Please, never forget me. Just because I'm going, doesn't mean our love has to go anywhere." "I couldn't forget you if I tried. I love you so so so much, Ash. Thank you for everything. For loving me, for caring about me, for always being there, for giving me everything I've ever wanted...for making my dreams come true. Thank you so much. I love you." He smiles at you, then closes his eyes tightly, the pain now completely overtaking his body. "I don't think I can say goodbye to you." You say, almost in a whisper. "Don't. Say something else." "Ok." You respond. You kiss him softly, one last time, before saying "See you soon, Ash." "I'll talk to you later, my love." He chokes out before closing his eyes shut again. This time, permanently.
You don't know what to do. Your crying doesn't end, but gets worse as you realize that Ashton had the ring in his pocket, probably meaning he was driving to your house to propose when the accident took place.
"I love you so much, Ash." You say for the thousandth time, though you know he can't hear you anymore. You think about how your wedding would be, mentally painting the whole scene, with only one missing detail: Ashton Irwin.

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