Chapter 26

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We all fly to and island that Spitelout build an emergency store house for Berk and it's a grand opening for it too, I never went to one so I'm actually excited about it. As we all get closer and start to see lots of people gathering around the building Pixy started to get a bit nervous because there are too many people for her so I gently pet her head to calm her down a bit, "Don't worry sis, you can just drop me off then hide somewhere close by and I'll call you when the grand opening is over ok?" Pixy nodded a little liking that plan.

Once we landed and I got off of Pixy, she ran to the forest and hid there while the rest of us go behind the crowed of people waiting for it to start. "Well look at that! All of Berk has come out to admire the Jorgensons' handiwork!" Snotlout said smugly with a smile on his face.

"Nah, everyone's just here for the free food." Tuff said as Ruff puts a plate full of hood in her helmet, I just made a grows look because who would want to eat out of their helmet that they wear all the time? Not me that's for sure.

"Nobody comes to these things to admire anything." Ruff said and before she can say anything else Stoick got everyone's attention.

I listened to Stoicks' speech but not completely paying attention because the smell of food started to get to me only because I missed lunch and now starving so I slowly slipped away from my friends and went over to the table getting me a piece of meat but then heard Stoick's speech cut off. When I looked over to see why it's because Spitelout obened the doors from behind and pushed Stoick away, that only thought that I had of Spitelout was 'That was very rude of him.' and just grabbed my meat and went back to my friends while eating it.

Everyone is cheering but I can hear Snotlout being the loudest as I stand next to Hiccup and easily finished the meat and threw the bone to the side then Snotlout ran to his father then Tuffnut started to balance his helmet on his head and we all laughed at that then Tuffnut started to tell a funny story that was actually funny and I didn't even know that an event like this is even fun. Soon it was over and we all went back home but by the time we got back it's now dark and we all turned in for the night.

"You know what Pixy? Today was actually fun and I thought it was going to be boring and I'm also glad that we get a break from those dragon hunters." I said while laying down on my bed.

"I agree with you on that sis but I have a feeling that tomorrow we have to deal with the hunters again." she said and I nodded before slowly going to sleep.


We're all flying to where there has been a lot of hunters lately to see what they're plan is this time and stop them but I just hope that no one gets hit by a dragonroot arrow today or even worse something else that might happen that could be just as worse.

"All right gang, stay sharp, there's been a lot of hunter activity in this area." Hiccup said while looking at everyone.

"maybe we should spread out, cover more ground?" I suggested because it would be way easier to find anything and harder for the hunters to catch us, especially if we stay in a group like this.

"Yeah good idea." Hiccup said liking it and was about to fly off but Snoutlout spoke up.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, now (Y/N)'s making all the decisions? When did that happen?" Snoutlout said then chuckled and demanded/asked at the end.

"uh, guys?" Fishlegs said trying to get everyone's attention but no one else looked but I did to see what it is and I do not like what I see either.

"If (Y/N)'s making all the decisions, we want to build a second story on our crib you know? Add square footage and enhance the curb appeal." Tuff said and I have no clue why but if we don't get everyone's attention soon then we're all be in deep trouble

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