Special Night {Part 2} (Chapter 2)

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The duo first arrived at an indoor light show, it was close by where they met up. Mk opened up the door for Redson, letting him walk in first and following behind him, explaining. "The show starts at 5:25, it's free and you can just walk in!" Looking around the inside of the building, it was dark except for a few fake lit lanterns that were different neon colors, placed on each side, guiding them. "Every time you step on one of these tiles it lights up." Mk continued with his explanation as he let go of Redson's hand and hopped forward onto an invisible tile that soon glowed orange. He laughed and twirled then hopped onto another color, making it glow blue. ''Come on! The prince doesn't want to be late for his first light show.'' Turns around to face the one still standing in the doorway. Redson hesitated before taking a step into the dark. Looking down looking for any sign of where he should step. Finally, his foot can in contact with the floor, he stepped between two titles making them both glow yellow and red. Her face brightens up as he found it amusing, taking another step just to see another color glow. They silently scoffed in enjoyment. "There is an interactive and one you can just watch," Mk said as Redson made his way over to him. "I figured that we could just watch one, and come back another time to do the interactive since it takes a lot of movement..." He said while smiling nervously. The shorter one stood with his arms crossed, "Well, lead the way." 

Mk lead the duo down the hall and turned right where the fake lit lanterns were white. Redson followed behind Mk quietly as he heard laughter and chattering coming down the hall. People came into view when they both started to get closer to the end. Once they entered, it was dark except for kids running around with glow sticks, bracelets, and necklaces. Glowing patterns on the walls and ceilings. The adults were talking with each other on a glowing green rail that separated them and the stage. Chairs on each side of the room, where some people were sitting. The gap between the rows of chairs is where the children were playing around. Redson's mouth slightly opened as he took everything around him in. Honestly, he was excited. She hadn't been somewhere like this before, "2 minutes until the show starts, I really think you'll like this one!"  Mk said as he put his hands in his pockets. Redson slightly wished that he could hold his hand again...

Quiet music started to play, signaling to the crowd that it was about to start. The music was claiming first. With a simple bamboo flute, playing a soft tune, the kids had gotten quiet as they watched the patterns on the wall slowly turn into animals. Redson was also watching quietly. 

More instruments start to play along with the bamboo flute, and the animals came off the wall and were floating in the air. They started to bounce downwards landing behind the rail. Redson ran over to the rail before any of the kids made it, Mk just stood there watching him. Smiling. The animals merged into people in dresses and suits, they began to dance to the music. Twirling, and tossing the ladies into the air. Once they reached the ground they exploded into multiply colors but gathered themselves and danced. The kids started to find each other and dance along with the music, some were trying to do what the lights were doing. Others just dance as they wanted. The adults clapped and cheered for their children others for the lights. The music started to become upbeat, Redson looked back at Mk with questioning eyes then looked away embarrassed. 'That's so stupid! Why would you even think that!? To dance??? That's so childish of you!' He scolded herself quietly. Their thoughts were startled by Mk's laugh. ''Pretty cool here, people tend to dance a lot. It's really fun, so if you wanna dance...we can..." He said rubbing the back of his neck. Redson was now facing Mk, his blood rushing to his face. "I...uhm, you!- ... fine" Redson gave in as Mk took his hand and pulled him away from the rail. They went to the group of kids who were dancing.  He pulled them into the middle of it and began to slowly dance to the music, waiting for Redson to join. She was nervous, looking around at the kids who were paying no attention to them and the adults who only gave him friendly smiles. "It's better if you just focus on yourself," Mk whispered to him, grabbing him by the wrist. Redson jumped a little at the touch but he soon calmed down as he watched Mk dance with them. He smiled shyly as he joined in.

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