Huge Problem (Chapter 13)

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"Where have you two been?" before Wukong and Macaque could get inside the house, PIF stood there with her hands on her hips. The door opened behind her, she was blocking the entrance. Macaque had fallen asleep again and Wukong was just holding him. "What are you talking about? I told you I had a problem at the mountain" Wukong says, showing a weak smile but is cut off when PIF starts rambling again. "Yeah but you been gone for three hours, you said it would only take you THIRTY MINUTES...And what happened to Macaque!?" Sun Wukong looked down at his sleeping lover, "Uh...Monster invasion?" He smiled cheekily and slid passed PIF. She was about to say something else but she just rolled her eyes and watch the two monkeys walk away. She sighed and went back inside, closing the door behind her.

Wukong walked down the hall, with the sleeping monkey in his arms. He smiled while observing his lover. He brought him closer, kissing his forehead. He was safe in his arms.

The princess was walking down to her bedroom when she saw Mei running from Mk's room. She was waving her arms aggressively in the air. Princess iron fan started to walk faster as the two met in the middle of it. "IT'S MK! HIS SKIN IS TURNING PURPLE AND HE WON'T SIT STILL!" she explained frantically. "Go get monkey king! I'll see what I can do with the boy" They both ran in the direction from which the other came from.

The King was in one of the spare rooms setting down Macaque on the bed, he had removed his scarf and an extra layer of clothes until he was just a shirt and pants. He took the antidote out of Macaque's pocket. Mei nearly broke down the door while entering the room. The noise she was making had startled Macaque. "MONKEY KING! MK HIS...SOMETHING IS HAPPENING YOU NEED TO COME QUICK!" Monkey looked down at Macaque, "Wait here." He told him and followed Mei to the nursery where Mk infection had started to take more affected.  

As they entered the room Wukong saw what she meant. Mk was gripping the sheets, as a purple color tinted his skin. Redson stood next to him trying to keep him pinned down to the bed, along with Pigsy and Tang. They waited too late and the curse was making it more painful for Mk to bare.

"It's getting worse!" Mei cried out, as she looked at Wukong. Iron fan had already set out some bull clones to get the tools.  DBK came in from all the noise that was going on."We need to do the surgery now!"  She told him. Before either said anything else. DBK nodded his head. Redson continued trying to pin down Mk, he was groaning and yelling out in pain. The demon boy eventually gave up on trying and pulled him into a hug. He was crying into his chest pleading for him to be okay. 

When the bull clones finally came back, PIF and DBK had to pull Redson away from Mk, everyone exited the room except some of the clone doctors and the Wukong. 

Everyone stayed outside the door, Redson went to go sit by a wall and bundle himself into a ball, and Mei sat next to him and comforted him. The King and Princess discussed something that wasn't audible. Pigsy and Tang cuddled together by the wall. 


Sun Wukong grabbed an empty surgeon and poured the cure into it. "Hold him down, I need him to be still!'' he told the bull clones. Each of them went to a certain part and held him down.  Before the surgery starts he needed to put in the cure so it could burn it out. He would need to inject little by little so the liquid inside of him doesn't learn what it is. 

Mk still wiggled aggressively on the bed, it was going to be complicated to inject if he is moving around. He needed to calm down, "Redboy! I need you in here" Wukong stuck his out of the door and called to Redson. She quickly got up and ran inside. "I need you to calm him down," with no questions he did what he was asked and went by Mk's side. 

He held his face in his hands and made him look at him. "Mk, Mk, look at me..." He kept repeating those words until he finally did it. "I know it hurts, I can see it but you'll be say it. Say that you will be fine..." Mk was breathing heavily eyes unsteady as tears rushed down his face. "I'll...!" he sucked in a sharp breath as he felt the liquid go into his head.  With quick speed, Wukong stabbed the needle into him and injected it into the liquid that was in his head, quickly burning it. It was a cold feeling of relief, easing the tension "I' fine." He signed The bull clones didn't need to put as much pressure as they did before, Mk was soon starting to relax. 

Wukong stabbed him again in a different part of his body, injecting more than he wanted. The cure was little and they most likely won't have enough. Before he ran out completely he quickly injected the rest into his chest. The monkey noticed that Mk had passed out and then the purple tint color that was on his face had faded away. Redson was now just hugging his head closely, rubbing his head and playing with his hair. Wukong placed the needle back on the tray, "Let's go prince, he still needs his surgery..." They both exited the room.


Unlike Macaque, Mk needed to be cut open on his stomach. When he got infected there was no open flesh wound that the curse could take over so it started mainly on the stomach, consuming the stomach acid.  The bull clones got to work right away, making careful movements. 

Everyone decided to go back to the living room and wait there. Sandy made everyone so calming tea and went to go talk to the Monkey King. "How is doing?" He asked quietly. "Well, I didn't have a lot of the antidote but I kill plenty of it. Now it's just up to the clones to get the rest out." Wukong responded. "When will we tell the others? I don't like keeping secrets from the others" He signed and patted the big blue man's shoulder, "after his surgery, we'll tell everyone." They both nodded in agreement. Hoping that they weren't too late.


I'm sorry for taking long, I think I'm getting sick. 

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