Too deep inside (Chapter 8)

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"What we saw in that hospital was...disturbing..." Tang murmured. They were both riding back to the noodle shop after witnessing that disgusting sight. They both decided it would be best if they regrouped and told the news there."Yeah, no kidding..."


Mk was now awake, drinking a glass of orange juice, still not eating anything. "C'mon...thief." DBK stood behind him glaring down at him, the Monkey King stood beside him doing the same. "First you stole the staff from me...and now my child?" Mk nearly choked on his drink and turned around to see both parent figures staring at him. Redson had tried to slide in and tease the tension but he was soon caught up in the death stare of her father. They started to back and forth, one was not satisfied with it the other was more than satisfied.

PIF had already gotten over it and was sitting at a table next to Macaque, Mei was also there messing with Macaque's hair. "How long do you think they'll be at it?" Mei asked.

"Hopefully not long,"

"Probably until Sandy and Tang get back."

"Oh! Speaking of Tang, didn't it seem like Tang and Pigsy have some type of tension going on between each other?" Mei said, digging her fingers deeper into Macaque's fur. "I saw it yesterday when were talking about the plans." The princess said, "I don't pay that much attention to stuff." The monkey grabbed Mei's wrists and pulled them out of his hair, then shaped it back to normal. "You think they got into a fight?" PIF asked, sipping a cup of tea "Hope not! Pigsy and Tang need each other." Mei said as she turned her attention to the lonely sitting pig. "But it kinda seems like that..." 

Pigsy sat at the empty counter watching the two teams' argument start to heat up. He was not watching them, he was more into his thoughts. He believes that it's finally time to tell the crew what he has done, to come clean. Yes, some people had already known that he was the main cause of this like Mk, Mei, Tang, and most likely Sandy, but the rest deserve to know too. Pigsy stood up and faced the room, he opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the sound of the shop door opening. "We got a problem," Tang said that once fully entered the shop, Sandy followed in behind him. Everyone turned their attention to them, and Mk managed to slip out of DBK's grasp, "What's the matter?" he asked. "There's a new mutation, some of the patients at the hospital didn't die. Which should be a go thing either but it also seems like they didn't make it. Their body fused with the liquid and now it's the only thing that's keeping it alive." Tang said, Sandy decided to continue where he left off, "They said they couldn't cure them with the stuff they have and think it's for the best if they just...well...kill them. Their bodies are completely drained of any type of liquid and organs." The entire shop went quiet except for some silent gagging that came from imagining that sight. "I don't think I want to see that," Redson said, "but if they do look like that, then it's best if we do."

"But what about their families?" asked Mei. "It would be rough on them but honestly, death is better for them than suffering..." Mk sighed. This problem soon found its a solution but not every solution is a good one. Everyone shared disappointed glances as Sandy reached for the phone, dialed the hospital, and explained what to do with them. While that was happening Mk started to walk upstairs, "Eh, where are you going?" Redson questioned, "I just got to use the bathroom I'll be back!" He then left the scene. 

Pigsy saw an opportunity and immediately grabbed it and put it to use. He cleared his throat loudly to grab the attention of most of the people in the room. Sandy soon looked over at him after he finished up his conversation.

"Now that most of this had cleared up, and is under control, I think it is time that I confess something." His hands were starting to sweat so he quickly wiped them off, he swallowed hard and took a deep breath. DBK sat down at the counter and Wukong went over to sit by Macaque, Mei, and Redson sat at a table. All eyes were on him, watching and waiting. "I...I was the one who caused all of this. I dumped the liquid we got out of Macaque down into the sewers."  Pigsy shut his eyes tight and balled his hands into fists, waiting for...well something. But it was oddly quiet, it seemed like they were trying to process what had just been said. The first one to speak up was the princess, "Thank you for telling us--'' "IT WAS YOU!!?!" Redson blurted out, his hair going up in flames. 

"Ewww...people were drinking the liquid that was in mee..." Macaque said with a slight chuckle. The announcement had caused an uproar of mixed motioned, some were disgusted, others upset, yelling and making statements too literally nobody. Sandy came up next to Pigsy and put and hand on his shoulder, "You did the right thing, buddy...I'm proud of you."  

In the middle of the chaos, Pigsy saw Tang smiling softly at him. Seems like things were looking bright in their relationship now. But where is Mk?


Mk sat in front of the toilet, already thrown up three times, he would have admitted that he was in denial of him having been affected but now that he was seeing the effects take action, he reminded him of the situation Macaque had been in. He felt tired and dry. His body felt drained, a sucking pain as if he was being cleaned from the inside out. But this time, it seemed like it was different like it was trying to merge into his skin and organs instead of pushing the blood out. The attempts he made trying to use his magic had resulted in him having sucked right out, consumed by the poison inside of them, he tried to force himself to throw up the liquid once he felt it in his stomach, but it was like it had a mind of its own and attached it's to the outside of his stomach. 

Mk couldn't do this alone, he knew he couldn't do it. He had to reach his friends and lover for aid, he had lost his strength. The speed of invasion in his body made it nearly impossible for him to move around. His last option was to yell for help, but he was soon drowned out by a sudden burst of talking and yelling that made it seem he couldn't get his voice loud enough to overcome the loudness. Within every attempt he only strained his voice, making it quieter and quieter. He couldn't reach his phone, it sat on the sink out of his reach.

Then everything started to fade in and out, the voices got quieter as he felt his body give out. Mk made one finally pathetic call before laying on the floor and passing out.


I have nothing this time.

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