News Report (Chapter 4)

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(Local Cat Monkey Drinks An Blue Energy Drink)

This wasn't intentional, but it happened anyway and no one was complaining.  Redson had overdue his stay and now it was late it was 5 in the afternoon. Mei had come over and joined the couple, they switched over from a movie to a video game. 

Mei vs Redson! 

Mk held pompoms behind them cheering both of them on as Redson aggressively smashed the buttons on the controller and Mei laid back with a smirk on her face. "Go! Go! Go! Go!" Mk chanted, not having a single idea who he was cheering for. "Wow, Redson! I must have underestimated you!" Mei shouted as she started losing, trying to keep her cheeky grin. "Ahah!" Redson was to focus on the game to keep an actual conversation. Mk's cheering slowly died down as he realized that both players were getting very aggressive to the point they might break his controllers."Ooo..." 

Meanwhile, downstairs, Tang and Pigsy were sitting at one of the tables talking while the TV played in the background. Sandy was there too, playing with his cat. "I've thought if Redson and Mk were to get married that would mean that Mk would leave us to move to a different house to live with Redson and he would no longer be our deliver boy," Tang said calmly while writing in his new notebook. Pigsy paused to observe his partner, "Do you that you're the only one stressing about Mk?"  "Wha- What!? I'm not stressing!" Tang looked up, ''What makes you say that?" The pig chuckled, "You been ranting about him for a while." He reaches over to grab Tang's hand, holding it and pulling it to the middle of the table. "How could you be so calm about this? ... Aren't you worried?..." He said, putting the pen down gently. "I will admit that I am slightly nervous but I trust Mk, even if he does leave us, he knows how to handle himself." He brought the hand closer to him, lifting it to his face. "You shouldn't worry so much, love." He nuzzled the hand before kissing it. On the other end, the man was flustered and smiling. "Awe, you too are adorable!~" Sandy said while sitting down at the table. The blue man caught the pig off guard, making him drop his lover's hand and made his face turn red. Tang pulled back his hand laughing. 

Suddenly the tv turned channels to the news and put itself on a higher volume. The same thing happened upstairs. Both trios turned their full attention to the tv and listened to the average stereotypical news reporter.


'An infection has spread throughout the city, causing people to get extremely sick. People had reported that it was coming from the water. People had been advised to stay away from any main water source and avoid drinking it. Tell the difference between dangerous water and safe is that it will have a purple tint to it, and taste sweet but dry. For not the mayor had shut down the sewers system until further notice. I'll repeat...'

After the announcement, the TV cut black before turning back on to the show they originally had it on. "Do you think it could be...?" 

"No Tang" Pigsy said rolling his eyes, "I got rid of it, remember?" "But how!?" "Mr. Tang, Pigsy is right, you do worry a lot. I think you need to lay down." Sandy said before picking him up, "Ah-" Pigsy got up from his chair and followed the two upstairs. 

With the trio, they saw the same report. "I drunk some water yesterday and it tasted the same way it was described." The two broke their necks to look at Mk, "Are you okay!?" Mei asked. "Oh yeah I'm fine, I think my monkey powers over through this infected water!" He said bravely, Redson rolled his eyes, "Could it be the same liquid...they said it had a purple color to it." Mk shrugged and smiled, "I highly doubt it, Pigsy got rid of it! Plus how could it manage to get into the sewer?" They both sighed in relief, silence filled the room until there was a loud-


Redson gasped dramatically, looking at the screen and then at Mei, "Whoops~ I win!" He slammed the controller on the ground and stood up, "You CHEATED! " Her hair went up in flames, Mei scrambled up to her feet and ran as the other chased after her around the room. Mk got pushed aside to the bed, watching as they ran around. Until Redson picked something up and threw it at Mei. "AH! MY RARE SERIES OF MONKEY KING SUPERCOP!" He shouted, Mei, picked something up and fired back. "NO! MY ACTION FIGURE!!!" 

Mk's room turned into a warzone, items being thrown across, somehow Mei got paint on her, and redson hair got messy. Broken figures and the latest copies of Monkey King's ripoff shows are laid across the floor. Mk sadly crawls over to them and picks them up, "nO..hic...noO" He holds them close to his chest as he flips over to his back and continues to watch everything being thrown around. Then a golden statue was soon high into the air, "NO!" Mk drops everything in his hand and jumps up to grab the statue. "NOT my ultra-rare, legendary, Monkey King statue with all 72 transformations... "Both of them stared confusingly at Mk, Redson grabbed a pillow off the bed and threw it at the monkie kid, "Don't be such a geek-" 

"A GEEK!???" Mk yelled, placing the statue carefully on the table. He picked up the pillow that was thrown at him and threw it back at them. Mei laughed from behind. His hair lit up again but only for a minute, aiming back at Mk but missed and it Mei in her face. It all went quiet..."WAR!!"

And the chaos started again. 


It was late outside, Sandy went home, and Mk was waving goodbye. Mei was already halfway down the street and Redson was walking toward his car. "Ah, I forgot that it broke down..."  "Don't worry, Sandy noticed that it was broken down and fixed it up for you," Tang said appearing behind Mk in his Pjs. She sighs before jumping into his car, "Goodnight...Noodle boy." He said trying to hide his blush, "Goodnight!" They both watched as the prince zoomed off in his car. "How do you feel? Dizzy or...sick?" Tang said, "Haha, I'm fine Mr. Tang thank you." He gave him a worried expression before smiling, "Welp make sure you change your clothes before you sleep."  Tang patted his shoulder and left. 

Mk closes the door, making sure to lock it. He turns around and begins to walk to the staircase, he was startled by the sound of something landing on the floor. Did it sound like water?  He looked down and saw a dark spot on the floor, feeling something run down to his lips, he lifts his hand and touched the area between the nose and lip. It felt wet, he pulled back and took a look at his fingers, bringing them closer to his eyes to get a better look at the strange liquid.  "Blood?..."

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