Physical Effects (Chapter 5)

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The next morning, Mk was cleaning up his room. He was too tired to clean it last night so he decided to push everything off his bed and clean it later. He placed every broken figure on his desk to fix later. He continues to organize his ruined collection of Monkey King Shows/Movies and picked up any dirty clothes. When his room was back in a decent shape, Mei broke through the window, leaving glass everywhere in Mk's clean room. "Aww..." He said looking disappointed at the glass, "MK! THEY ARE SELLING WATER FOR FIVE DOLLARS!!" Mei shouted putting her hands on her hips, "This is ridiculous!" She stopped over to the bed and sat down, messing up the blanket. Mk cringed slightly as he sat down in his chair. "The whole city's water supply shuts down and people believe that now is the perfect time to take advantage of this!?" 

"Sure sounds like it's getting crazy out there."

"That's not even the worst part! No one can take showers or brush their teeth! The only good part about this is that managed to shut down the sewer system before it made it to the ocean."

"Even the water parks!?"

"Even the water parks! Mk, I think we should- YOUR NOSE!" Mei stood up pointing to him. Mk wiped his nose with his fingers and saw blood on them, "Oh it's just another nose bleed," "Are you okay??" Mei asked worriedly  "Yeah, this is my second one this morning." Mei handed him a tissue box to clean himself up, "Second? You should probably see someone about this." Mk laughed, "I'll be okay, but anyway back to this water problem. You think we should do something about it?" She sits back down on the bed and begins to play with the covers, "I really think it could be the purple liquid..." Mk looked at his dear friend knowing that she is being serious, "Okay, you're right. It's our job to make sure the city is safe, and if it's affecting them this bad then we should do something." He smiled at her, and she responded with the same smile.

"MK! COME HERE QUICK!" Pigsy called from downstairs. The two raced down to the main room, seeing Pigsy and Tang with worried worried expressions on their faces and standing in front of the TV. 


'People are starting to get deadly sick from this infected water others who aren't strong enough are dying! To avoid spread, please stay at home!'

The women on tv sounded desperate, but Mei sounded even more desperate as she called out Mk's name, "I know! I know!" Tang held on to Pigsy's arm as they both turned to face Mk, "This is getting bad..." Pigsy said, "I and Mei already discussed this, we're going to take action but we need a plan first!'' Tang let go of Pigsy's arm, "We all agree that we are most likely dealing with the same thing right!? They all looked at Mk, "I...Yeah..."

Tang snapped his head to look at Pigsy, "You said you got rid of it, what did you do!?" The chef took a few steps back, "I...!" Before any of them can continue to fight, Mk stepped in, "Right now is not the time! We need to get Macaque and Monkey King down here to help! We also going to need the Demon bull family and Sandy!"

"You got a plan already?" Mei asked

"Yep! I'll tell it when everyone is here, but first...Mei, you get all the supplies we need, I'll get the monkeys, and Pigsy you will call over Sandy!"

Everyone nodded and immediately got to work, Mk shapeshifted into a bird a set-off, Mei called her bike over and headed to the stores. Pigsy was about to grab the phone but before he could reach it Tang took his hand away from it. "Me and you need to talk.."


Meanwhile, with Mk, he was fighting against the wind and time while he was in his bird form. Losing his balance, his wings gave out and made him fall to the ground, in the middle of the fall he turned back into a human. Mk fell onto his back making him quickly turn over and cough up blood and...purple liquid. He should have seen this coming, there's nothing he can do right now he has a mission to fulfill. Standing back up, legs shaking, he transforms back into a bird a sets off again. While flying he loses his balance again but manages to regain it before hitting the ground again. This might be a long flight...



"I...I don't know..."


"Tang, I'm sorry...I messed up really bad-"

"I don't want an APOLOGY! Pigsy. You affected the entire town what if-" Tang stopped his rant out of realization... "Mk..drank some of it...during the breakout..." Tang wasn't facing Pigsy before, he couldn't stand to look at his face when he yelled at him, he was at the counter sitting turned away from his lover, looking at his hands. But because of sudden realization, he turned away and grabbed pigsy by his shoulders and looked him dead in his eyes. 


Sorry, I know this chapter is short so please accept this as my apology

Sorry, I know this chapter is short so please accept this as my apology

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 Oh no, will this be the end of Tang and Pigsy's relationship?!

Will Mk live to see the next year?

Will the city survive? 

So many questions, actually not that many, ~but so little time~

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