Undercover Plan(Chapter 10)

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"Cure?? Where the hell am I going to get a cure?" Back where we left off, Macaque and Sun Wukong were whispering to each other, far from anyone else in the room. "Well, I was thinking. We can go back to where we first found you. Track that demon down and get the cure from him." Placing a hand on the warrior's shoulder he looked into his eyes. "I can't come with you, I can only drop you off. I think it would be better if one of us stayed here." Macaque smirked, "Fine with me, I'll change real quick then we will be on our way." Macaque disappeared into his shadow portal. 

The king looked around the room. Only two people were missing, Redson and Sandy. He knew that Redson was with Mk, but where was Sandy? If anything he should also tell him about Mk's real situation, after all, he is the calmest. 

Walking around the mansion, searching for Sandy, was not easy. Who knew a six-foot blue man would be so difficult to find? Wukong caved in and decided to use his golden eyes to search for him. Seeing through the walls, he managed to see where everyone was including Sandy.

Turning off his ability he walked through the halls to where he was last seen at. Wukong soon made it to a balcony somewhere below the house. The bull clones were busy at work, some producing more clones and others creating weapons. "Pretty hot here, huh?'' Wukong tried making small talk as he enter the balcony. "But not too hot, it's more a relaxing warmth," Sandy replied. '' How are you holding up?" Wukong was now leaning on the railing, standing next to Sandy. "I'm worried, I don't know if we are getting the results soon. After Mr. Mcqauck got infected he woke up at least no matter how much pain he was in, but Mk? He just won't wake up. " Wukong took a deep breath and looked at Sandy with a concerned look. "I can tell you hows his doing, but you can't tell the others." Sandy, who was looking at the machinery that was going on, was now looking at the King, wide-eyed. ''Why not? They should know too, is it something bad?" 

"Well yes, but they need to remain calm. If I can trust you to keep the others under control, I'll tell you." Sandy thought about it for a minute then nodded hesitantly. Wukong smiled and tells him about the Mk's problem and what they were going to do about it. "We need to keep Macaque out of mind while he's gone. I'll drop him off but it won't take long." After explaining every detail, Sandy nodded and went to go check up on his team.

The King went to go find Macaque, which didn't take long since just appeared right in front of him with his new outfit on. Wukong was startled by the sudden appearance, "Ready?" he questioned, "Yeah, let's go." The two monkeys ran out of the mansion, it took them a while since they were in pretty deep, making sharp turns and trigging traps, and still managed to survive. They stopped as soon as they reached the outside. Wukong summoned his cloud, and they both hopped on. "I know you're not a huge fan of this, but we're kinda in a rush." Macaque groaned as he held on tight to Wukong's stomach, and pressed his face into his back. They both stood on the cloud, Macaque holding on tight, then shot up into the sky. 

They rushed through the sky above the clouds. "It's been a few months, Wukong, how are you sure that there is going to be any sign of him there?" Wukong scoffed, "You stole from him remember? I'm pretty sure you got back to where he lives and steal the antidote. I'll be back to pick you up in four hours" Macaque rolled his eyes and stayed quiet for the rest of the way. 

They traveled passed the colored memory trees, past the cabin, and over a waterfall back to where they first found Macaque. As they got closer to the ground, the cloud slowed down. The black fur monkey was able to loosen his grip and take his face off of the other monkey's back. They lowered to the ground, the cloud coming to a full stop. Macaque jumped off, legs unsteady from all the pressure that made him wobble a little.  He took off his glamor, showing his five ears and huge scar. "Hopefully this won't take long, I'll come back as fast as I can." He said turning to face Wukong. The sage hopped off the cloud, catching Macaque surprised with a hug. He sighed and wiggled his arms free so he could hug him back. They pulled apart but still very close together, Wukong cupped his cheeks with both hands and brought him into a deep kiss, both melting into it. Macaque broke the kiss and rested his forehead on the other. "Please, be safe and come back," Wukong whispered.  "I will..." 



They both pulled away, Wukong got back onto his cloud and waved, and the other waved back. They both went their separate ways.


Back at the mansion, the crew discussed plans. Sandy had made them tea. Redson was even there but not as active as the rest. All were very worried and desperate, but Sandy made sure they were well under control. He knew Mk's real condition and still managed to remain calm, it seem as if was a gift.

Even though it was late in the evening, practically two more hours before officially night, no one was tired. They were mentally tired and just needed a break but not physically. When the Monkey King arrived back at the mansion, he went straight to the dining room. Seeing everyone talk but lifeless. Pigsy was the hardest one to convince that everything was okay when the reality of it was not. He was stubborn and not easily tricked. The same goes for PIF and DBK. Redson would believe anything about Mk's situation especially when it's something about his recovery. Mei would too, but sadly she's not here. So it was up to Wukong and Sandy to keep it tame.


Sorry for the slow updates, I'm trying to keep it between 1-6 days.

anyway here's your daily chapter joke. 

[As I get older, I remember all the people I lost along the way. Maybe a career as a tour guide was not the right choice]

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