Plan & Action! (Chapter 6)

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Quick little note...there is a story before this. So if you hadn't read it, I'm sure that it will explain some things that would be mentioned in the rest of this book


The group gathered around a table, Tang and Pigsy standing far away from each other, The monkeys standing next together hovering over the table. Sandy was holding up Redson and Mei, and the married couple stood on each side of Mk. "So here's the plan!"

"Where people would be mostly at is the hospital trying to help, they would also be understaffed from how many is being affected. So, Sandy and Tang, I need you to share your knowledge on how to take care of it and slow down the spread properly until they get it removed. Mei, I need you to be our delivery girl, we are most likely going to need lots of salty dry foods, you're faster than me with your bike. Redson you'll help her because you got fast cars. And for the rest of us, we'll go around town and help the people that got infected but can't go to the hospital. We'll all get an equal amount of supplies, Pigsy can you get the stuff please?" 

 Pigsy left the table and jogged over to the kitchen and started to take out crackers and as many medical supplies as possible. Mk put his hand on his hips and looked around the table at his team. "Are you ready?" Everyone nodded and immediately got to work. They stopped by the counter to grab the items. But they ran into their first problem, there wasn't enough for everyone. "Oh uh, Sandy and Tang can give their stuff up since they're going to a hospital, I'm pretty sure they'll have enough." They nodded and handed it to Wukong and PIF. Then Sandy hopped in the car with Tang next to him and drove off. Redson kissed Mk on the cheek and ran off with Mei.

"Woah, Woah, WOAH!" Wukong stomped towards Mk, waving his hands in the air. "When did this happen!?" Macaque chuckled behind him, "This is what happens when you're not around" Mk shrugged laughing, "I guess we need to be around more often, huh?" Macaque said grabbing the King's arm and pulling him away, "Cmon' we're wasting time."

"This is not over kid, we'll talk about this when we're done!" Wukong yelled as he summoned his cloud, Macaque disappearing in his shadow. Mk waved as they left, a grin planted on his cheek. "Ahem, we would also like to know when this happened..." The Princess appeared behind him, crossing her arms, her husband was standing behind her giving him a death stare. "Well...aha, uhm..." Pigsy quickly slid between them, "You know the goth monkey was right, we are wasting time just standing here, we should hurry up!" They both huffed and pushed their way through the kid and pig and left the shop. As soon as they heard their car pull off Pigsy and Mk got in their delivery car, pull their supplies in the 'trunk', and drove off.

[Hosptial, Sandy, and Tang]

They drove up into the parking lot and quickly parked it in an empty lot, They took the supplies out and ran inside. They were met with doctors and nurses running around with bottles of water and medical supplies, "EVERYONE STOP!" Sandy yelled, everyone, stood in place and looked at the duo, "Don't give them water! You're only making it worse, Tang here will explain it to you and you NEED to spread this information around the entire place!" He announced, "Go on little buddy," Tang stepped up and cleared his throat, "It's a curse liquid that entered the body, it merges with any liquid in the body except blood since it's thick, and because of that, it will push it out." Everyone looked around and dropped the bottles of water, "We need to suck the liquid out of the body, don't give any liquid until it's completely out, me and my friend will be here to help. Give them dry and salty foods so they will dry them out. Make sure they eat it, the liquid will cause loss of appetite and make them starve to death, if not then it will consume the entire body drying it out." Everyone was staring at them, sharing confused glances. "WELL, WHAT ARE YOU STANDING THERE FOR? GET TO WORK!!" One of them shouted, snapping out of their trans, they got to work, quickly running around. Sandy and Tang both nodded at each other before helping out.

[Delivery! Redson and Mei]

The two decided to split up and go to houses to cover more ground, Redson arrived at a full house that probably contained more than the house could fit. 3 People had been affected, the youngest daughter, a son, and the mother. He went around the house giving them members a job and explaining what they are dealing with. Each of them understood their purpose and got started. After they knew how to handle it themselves he left to move on to the next house. 

With Mei she ran into a little girl dressed in rags, asking for water. She quickly drove up to the kid and asked why she needed water, "My mommy has got badly sick and she keeps asking for water!" "Can you take me there, I can help." The little girl nodded, Mei, picked her up and placed her in front of her on her bike, "Tell me where to go." The little girl was far from her home, she lived in a poor apartment. The girl led her to her room and quickly took her to her mother, "Hello young miss, can I please have some water?" Mei shook her head, "I'm sorry ma'am but water will only make it worse," He placed her bag on the bed, "I'll take care of you for now, until you can go to the hospital.'' She turned to face the daughter, "I can't stay for long though, but I'll stay until you can take care of your mother. I will be back though!" Mei said then processed to explain how to take care of her mother. Though the girl was young and scared that she might slip up, Mei took out 2 walkie-talkies. "When I leave you can talk to me like this," She explained how to use the walkie-talkie, once the little girl understood her job they both got to work on healing her mother.

[Hero and Warrior]

Macaque and Wukong had the similar idea of splitting up but were also very different. They made a mini-hospital out in the open, using what they know the help the city people. Macaque stayed behind, running around giving them what they need while Wukong brought them in. When they got to a point where there was too much for one person who couldn't handle it, Wukong stayed and took some off of Macaque's hands. "Good work, Nurse plum~," Wukong said running by, kissing him on the cheek. "Thank you, Doctor Peach, I'm surprised how well you are handling yourself,"  Macaque responded. "Don't get me wrong, it's pretty disturbing...every time I look at them, I can't help but remember that you were in the same position as them..." He said walking up behind Macaque and wrapping his arms around his waist, resting his face between his neck and shoulder. The shadow monkey leaned back into Wukong, "I'm aware...but they will get better. Just like I did..." The King hugged him tighter before finally letting him go, Macaque turned around and kissed him on the nose, "Let's hurry up, I don't wanna do this all night. I'm tired."


The rest of the crew were off sharing the information, of course, some people were just idiots and ignore the warnings and did whatever they want, others used the information and shared it. Some went to and helped people around town. Now, not everyone has the professional skills to perform surgery but they did manage to keep it tame. 

But what about Pigsy and Mk?

Pigsy was at the wheel driving around while Mk looked around, "Listen, kid...I am so sorry. I didn't know why I didn't see anything wrong with going down into the sewers...I am pretty stupid..." Mk laid back in his seat and looked at Pigsy, "You're not stupid, I know that didn't think it through but, I don't believe you're stupid." What else was Mk was supposed to say? This was his fault and he couldn't just say it's okay, because it wasn't...They sat in silence for the rest of the ride, expect some of 'Over there' and 'Here.'

And what about Mk being affected? Oh yes, it was getting worse. Way worse...


- I'm pregnant.
-- Hi pregnant, I'm dad.
- No, you're not.

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