Found (Chapter 12)

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Cheese and Crackers. 

The following day, Redson had slept with Mk for the rest of the night. He was only woken up by Sandy when he entered the room for a morning check-up. The fire demon had got embarrassed and quickly left before Mk could wake up. 

One Iron Bull clone made breakfast, but everyone was too busy discussing plans about the Monkie kid's healing progress. When Wukong had woken up to join the table, he got a strange look from the Princess. No one else noticed, but she made it obvious that something was bugging her, most likely because of him. "Morning..." He said sitting down at an empty seat, the bull clone ran to where he was and placed a plate of food. "Any news?" He asked while Sandy entered the room, "Yes, and it's a good one! He's awake now!"Pigsy jumped up in excitement " That's Great! Means he his getting better, right?" Sandy stuttered for a moment, he shot a glance at Wukong before answering, "Yeah! He should be better in no time!"  PIF claps her hands, "Well, then he should be ready for surgery " Tang cheered quietly before hugging Pigsy. "Woah, just to be sure, can we more day?" Everyone stopped in motion to look at him, The King's stage fright kicked in and his voice went quiet. "You just be sure, we can't...risk it?" DBK sighed and relaxed in his chair, "The monkey has a point, tomorrow, we'll give him the surgery."

Successful, Wukong managed to hold back the operation for one more day. He would have to check up on Mk's situation for himself. Mk could be getting better. But just to be safe, they needed the cure. Speaking of it, Macaque still hasn't came back from the mission. Which is, of course, a problem! He would need to sneak out of the Mansion and go look for him. Hopefully, no one will notice his disappearance but to be sure he would need to have another private talk with Sandy.

PIF was about to say something else but her words were silenced by the doorbell. Redson sighed and got up from the table, "I'll get it..." he made his way to the front door, going different ways to avoid traps. Once she got to the door she looked through the peek hole and was met with an eyeball looking back at him. He jumped back and growled, undoing the locks, and finally opening the door. There stood Mei panting, "It's very hot out here, can I come in?"  Redson rolled her eyes and stepped out of the way. She entered the house surprised at how cool it is despite being around lava and fire, "So, how Mk?" she asked, "Uh, actually, we're making good progress, he's awake now, but we are holding off on the surgery until tomorrow. The Monkey King suggested that we waited at least one more day to be sure " They two started to walk down the hall, Mei explained why it took her so long to get here and Redson explained what had happened so far, which was not much. On their way to the dining room, they saw Monkey King walk down towards them, "Where are you going?'' Redson asked, "There is a problem back at flower fruit mountain, gotta make sure that my monkeys are okay!..." He said while passing them, not stopping.

The duo ignored him, once he was out of sight he made a mad dash out of the door. Quickly summoned his cloud, preparing himself to jump on it. Once he was on he flew through the sky, swiftly making his way back to where he last saw Macaque. 

This time he was there, asleep on a rock. Sun Wukong sighed in relief, lowering. He hopped up and walked towards the sleeping monkey. 'Should I wake him?' he thought, observing and taking in details about his current state. His clothes were a bit torn and there were blood drops and slatter on his top. His fur was messy with sticks and leaves sticking out. He most definitely got into a fight. He reached for the sleeping monkey only to stop mid-track by a sudden shake of the ground. Something was approaching and fast. The shaking turned into loud thumps, it became louder and louder. 

Wukong quickly grabbed Macaque, waking him up but he was too dazed to process anything. He picked him up and jumped back onto the cloud. When the tired monkey was finally able to think he looked up and smiled. "'re finally back," he said tiredly. They took to the sky but a chain quickly followed after them, grabbing the King's leg and pulling him back. They both fell off the cloud and headed straight for the ground. Macaque was now fully awake, the chain kept pulling Wukong back to the ground, and he fell right after him. 

The Monkey king pulled out his staff, ready to hit whatever was pulling him back down. Macaque got his out,  laying on the ground feet first, but still wobbled a bit. As Wukong got closer to the monster he was able to see what was dragging him down, he swung the staff hitting the demon across the head. With a quick recovery, the demon grabbed the staff and swung it around until Wukong flew off of it, landing next to Macaque.  "Who's that?" He questioned, "That's the demon that gave me the curse, he saw me when I went back to get the antidote and started to chase me, all night too" Macaque groaned at the last bit. "I'll tell you the rest later, but it's in our best interest to leave now. I got the cure."  Wukong nodded, the demon was observing the staff, before throwing it aside. He quickly dashed over to the two monkeys, they both went separate ways to avoid the hit, when the monster came in contact with the ground again a big explosion caused rocks and dirt to go every. "How do we defeat him?" Wukong called over to the dark-furred monkey. 

The demon was a slimy golden creature that had chains wrapped around it, one huge eye, and four tentacle-looking arms. Their feet melted into the ground making him stick to it but still able to move if he wanted to. It looked like melted copped had been poured onto him.

"There are three rubies on his back! I hit one of them already but we still need to destroy the other two!" He called back, Wukong reached out to his staff pulling it back by his magic and quickly jumping up into the air. Macaque threw his staff at the demon and ran towards the demon. He managed to kick the demon in the face followed by a punch, the staff came late to the party, and he moved out the way so it could also land a hit on the demon, but he was fast enough to catch it. The monster swung it at Macaque, sending him flying. While that was happening Wukong came flying down behind him, managing to smash one of the rubies. 

The monster made a loud groaning noise before two tentacles shot out of his back and wrapped around the King. For a second he managed to break free but was suddenly captured again by even more tentacles, this time they swallowed his body whole, only leaving his head. "Hey?! Remember when I said it was in our BEST interest to LEAVE??" Macaque yelled, regaining his balance, Wukong responded with a weak chuckle, "GIVE ME BACK MY MEDINCE..." A mouth had formed from the creature just to say those words, it's breath smelled like copper. "We...can't! We need it to say, someone!" The tentacles squeezed, and Macaque made another dash towards it but before he could even get have way towards it, golden tentacles had grabbed him and swung him into a nearby tree. 

Then a syringe merged from its body, containing purple liquid. And from past experiences, of course, Wukong knew what that was. He wiggled aggressively trying to break free but the tentacles squeezed even harder as if it was trying to break the King's bone. "THAT IS ENOUGH!" A women's voice came from afar, but it was quick to reappear in front of the monster, cutting off its head with, what seemed to be a scorpion's claw.  

Before it could reattach its head, she swung her tail and smashed the last ruby. The golden monster melted into the ground and dropped Wukong. "Why am I not surprised to see you? Sun Wukong." She growled, hovering over him. "Heyyy! Scorpion Queen, what are you doing out here?" He said, coughing but still smiling. "I was, trying to enough a nice picnic with my friends but you're disturbing us!" Wukong got to his feet and started to dust himself off, "Well, I'm sorry, but I am very grateful that you saved me!" She rolled her eyes. Macaque made it back, wobbling over and leaning on Wukong for support. The Scorpion Queen looked at the other monkey confused, "Who's that?" "Macaque, but listen, we would love to stay and chit chat but we are kinda in a hurry I'll make it up to you I promise!" He said, summoning the cloud again, and helping Macaque onto it. His staff disappeared into a shadow waiting to be sudden if needed again. The Queen groaned, "You better!" she said before jumping away back to where she was having a picnic.

"Ughh, I'm so tired," Macaque whined while laying on the cloud, "Is the antidote okay?!" Wukong asked, "Yeah, yeah, it's fine." Wukong got onto the cloud, and kissed Macaque's forehead, "Good job, let's go back."


Butterfly in skyyy, I can go twice as highhhh.

This was my first time writing a fight scene and it was oddly difficult

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