One Last Time (Chapter 16)

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Help I don't have good pictures to set my pfp so I have to stick with a man for now.


"Redson...Redson!..." At first, it was a quiet voice, it was nothing he recognized. Until the voice got louder and the world felt like it was shaking, "Redson! Open, Open...Open your eyes!" He followed the familiar voice's demands. It was blurry and bright he still managed to open them. "What the?...ah, my head hurts..." He mutters before looking up and seeing Mk standing there with a worried expression. 

He was right there, standing above him. Was he real, "Mk..." Redson wasn't sure to believe what he was seeing, he wanted to though. His eyes began to water, and his heart was pounding against his chest harder than ever. He slowly lifted his hand to touch him, he begged for it not to go through him or for him to disappear. He wouldn't be able to handle it. When Mk realized what he was doing, he smiled softly and leaned his head down, and rubbed it against Redson's hand.  The tears started to flow down his cheeks like a waterfall, "I can...I can see you..." He slowly got up, and Mk followed his movements, ''I can touch you!..." Both hands were on Mk's face covered by his hands. Mk would ask questions later, he wanted Redson to process what was happening right now.

"I...!" He couldn't get the words out of his mouth, his hands slide down to Mk's waist, and he picked him up twirling him around laughing. Tears still flowing down his face. Mk joined him in his laughter, wrapping his arms around him tightly as they spun in a circle. They slowed their spinning when their feet touched the ground once more, with both grinning like fools at each other with tear-stained faces. Somewhere during the spin Mk had started crying too, Redson looked at his lover for a minute before bringing him into a deep kiss, it didn't take long for him to pull away and start littering his face with kisses. They started hugging each other tightly as they fell to the ground with laughter. The two of them fell back on the floor until their sides hurt but neither cared. 

They stayed like that for a few minutes before Mk finally sat up wiping the tears off his face. "How are you even here?" he laughed out, " Wukong had this box? And he managed to teleport us here, it's kinda hard to explain." Redson sat up too, Mk tilted his head, " 'Us'? More people are here?" Before the demon could answer, a high-pitched female voice was heard screaming Mk's name. Mk turned his head and was immediately met with a tackle that turn out to be a hug. Mei wrapped her arms around her best friend and held on tightly, babbling out words and coughs as she cried in his arms. "Mei!" He hugged her back with one arm and petted her with the other. He slowly managed to stand up with the dragon girl attached to him. 

''Hey Mk," the voice echoed as a shadow figure of a monkey appeared behind him. He nearly froze in place until he heard the familiar chuckle. "Macaque??" Mk couldn't express how happy he was, Macaque smiled brightly and nodded before rubbing the boy's head"It is good to see you again, bud. I have missed your presence." Macaque looked over to the others and smiled. 

Mei had eventually let go but it wasn't long before Mk was tackled with another hug, when he was free he was picked up into a hug. All of this hugging made his head hurt a little bit but he saw Sandy, Pigsy, and Tang. Mk was overjoyed, seeing all these familiar faces and being able to touch them. Not only that but they could hear him too. "You're here, all of you are! Is Monkey here too!?" Macaque's face soften to a frown, and everyone else's kinda turned into a cringed face. Or when you see someone get hurt, Macaque had to speak up, "The limit is six, Wukong couldn't make it. " Mk's face slowly faded away. "But he can see, just not hear or touch." Mk looked around looking for him, he wanted to see him again. "You won't be able to see him, he's in the mortal realm, think of it as a one-sided mirror." Mk thought for a minute then began jumping around waving his arms. Hoping that the Monkey King would have seen him, and he did. 

 Wukong stood in front of a window, he was able to see all of the members in there, he was also able to see them out there but they were unconscious. He waved back with a smile, happy to be able to see him one last time. Though it did hurt that he wasn't there.

Back inside the spirit realm, "Ahem...So where are we?" when the crew looked around they saw nothing but whiteness, they could feel any warmth or coldness. "I don't know...when you guys got here I was suddenly transferred here, to see you." Macaque was standing next to Mk and put an arm upon his shoulder to lean on him. "Well yeah, this is the calling room, we can't leave though we sorta have to wish for things to be here. Oh and I forgot we only get to be here for an hour before some other lost ghost tries to take our bodies, so we should use this time wisely." With that said, Macaque took a deep breath and sighed. He stepped out of the way before he was caught up with everyone else closing in on Mk.

They talked, more tears dropped, games were played, cuddling was done, and then there were ten minutes left. "I don't want to you leave, Mk!" Mei shouted hugging him tightly. "I don't want to see you guys go! " He hugged her back just as tightly, they were getting ready to say their last goodbyes, finishing up their conversations and games. "Oh, and before I forget, Mk." the young man looked at the monkey, "Sun Wukong, The Great Sage Equal To Heaven is...proud of you, and so am I. " He smiled softly as he saw Mk's face brighten up. He made a happy little noise before cheering out loud. "Oh, oh! And you tell him! That he was the best mentor that I could ever have, even if he doesn't think so! " Macaque gave me a nod then a thumbs up. He then raised the hand that was giving the thumbs up to signal Wukong that they were ready to go. 

The six of them started to glow, and everyone was waving goodbye to Mk expect Redson, "We'll always remember you!" Mei shouted, before disappearing. Redson ran to him bringing him into one last deep kiss, "Maybe in the next life, we shall meet again, my prince." Mk said, pushing a strain of hair out of his face before kissing him on the forehead. Before Redson could say anything else, he disappeared. 

The window close and Wukong was no longer able to see him. He turned to look at the bodies and noticed they were slowly waking up, when they were fully up the group seemed more lively and talked.  Wukong spotted his lover and walked over to him his tail wagging. "Did you tell him?" Macaque nodded then kissed his forehead, "Of course I did, and he said that you were the best mentor that he could ever have, even if you don't think so." Macaque smiled while seeing his peach face brighten up in happiness. "Thank you...Thank you so much!..." Wukong hugged Macaque tightly, wrapping his tail around his.


The crew seemed to smile more often now, I guess that visit really helped them emotionally.  Wukong was slowly opened to again by them. Everything felt warmer, I guess it was because now Mk was fine.

[Hunderand Years Later] 

"Ohh! Look at this one! This statute is also holding the Monkey's King staff!" A young boy pointed. He had red hair and different color eyes. He has a black headband and was holding a plushie of Mk and Wukong. The girl who stood next to him was taking pictures on her phone, she was holding a Mei and Redson plushie. "That's Mk!" she said, pointing at the statue of the legendary Monkie Kid. "And Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, and Mei!" The two young kids stared at the statues of the old heroes amusingly. Until a bird had landed on the Mk statue, its bright color reminded the young boy of someone but he couldn't remember who. Another bird landed next to the other but with darker colors. "MJ! Cmon! I wanna check out The Six-Eared Macaque!" The two ran outside of the museum to check out the decorations outside before running into the other one that held villains.

The bright-colored bird turned into the Monkey king, and the dark-colored one turned into the Six-Eared Macaque. "There he is," Wukong smiled, "You sure? Last time you thought it was him because he had black hair." The monkey just rolled his eyes. "I'm sure." The two shape-shifted back into birds and followed the boy.

[The End]

:) This took a while...actually it didn't I just didn't work on it I finished it in two days.

But like last time there will be Extras, but technically the story is over.

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