The Aftermath (Chapter 15)

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What was going to happen now?

Now that the Monkie Kid was dead, the crew still managed to stay together, but some would distance themselves from the others. Each would make an effort to visit the boy's grave. Sandy kept his gravestone clean, and replace flowers with fresh ones. Redson and Mei would go to talk to it, sharing what their day was like and sometimes having a whole conversation. The two would talk together as if Mk was still there listening to him. Redson would sometimes come by himself and sit by the gravestone and rest on it.

In the beginning, many couldn't stay long before they started to break down crying, Wukong was slightly embarrassed to admit that he had shed a few tears too. Speaking of the monkey, he would watch the city and watch out for demons and trouble. He wasn't the only one, whenever there was a sudden attack the members of the crew would get together to take it down.

As much as it hurts, Pigsy and Tang would have to look for a new delivery person. But before that happened they closed the shop for a while. Pigsy didn't have the motivation to keep on going but Tang reminded him that they needed to keep going for Mk, it took a few days but they managed to reopen the shop and get a new delivery person. Tang cleaned up Mk's room and organized his stuff, watered his plants, and just kept his room clean. Neither of them had the guts to sell his stuff.

But was that it? Now that it's over, now that Mk was gone, doesn't mean that everyone else's life is over too but it still made a huge impact. Mei didn't have her best friend, she didn't have her party partner, she didn't have a person who she could have crazy adventures with and play games. And if she did, they would never be like Mk. Redson didn't have his lover, he didn't have the boy who would call him sweet names and sleep with him at night, or watch movies with him. Wukong had no successor.

But the confession? Did Wukong ever say that he knew Mk was healing properly? He did, but they did not take a lightly.


"So you knew...and you didn't even bother to tell us?..." PIF's voice was low, everyone in the room stood there, all eyes on The Great Sage Equal To Heaven. He was about to speak up before Mei cut him off, "YOU ARE AWFUL! Why didn't you tell us!? We could have done something to help! But you decide to be secretive! Like you always do and keep things to yourself!" She shouted, Wukong looked at Sandy and Macaque, he didn't want those two to get yelled at like he was. Sandy was a good guy and he never really wanted to lie to his friends. He could have gotten the antidote himself if he just asked Macaque questions but he made him do it. SO he decided to take all the blame, "Yes, I know. I was pretty selfish--" "PRETTY SELFISH!? NO! YOU WERE SELFISH!" Pigsy yelled. The room got quiet, everyone was angry and upset, except for Macaque and Sandy. They were still waiting for Wukong to say that they were in on it too, but it never happened. "It's time for you to leave Wukong." DBK stated, "We'll deal with a funeral." The monkey was about to say something else but it was better if he didn't push it anymore. Wukong left the room and soon followed Macaque, but they didn't care that the two were leaving.


Now, Sun Wukong sat at the edge of a cliff on the mountain watching as the sun rise over the city. He held a box in his hand, decorated with symbols and words from a different language. His feet dangled off of the cliff. "Wukong?" A familiar voice was heard from behind him. He quickly turned around and saw his mango yawn and stretch. "What are you doing up so early? " His eyes were barely opened, but he still managed to sit down next to sun monkey. "Just watching the sunrise and thinking." 

"About?" he asked sheepily

 "Is it too late to visit Mk?" Macaque gave him a confused look, "What do you mean?  You already do. " Macaque looked down at the strange box, "Like in the afterlife...or do you think we're too late...again? " His voice lowered into a whisper. Macaque softly smiled and rubbed his cheek with his then rested his head on his shoulder, closing his eyes again. "It depends if he decided to stay or go." Wukong looked at him, "It depends?" 

"Yep, when people die, some are given a choice to stay as long as they want until they're recreated. Others stay in the spirit realm choosing not to be born again.  When visiting you only get one hour. Trust me, I'm a professional." Macaque quietly chuckled. "How many people can visit? " Wukong question. "Nine is the max, and they can only visit once" The monkey looked back at the box. "Okay..." Macaque opened his eyes and looked up at Wukong, "Why didn't you tell the others that I and Sandy also knew?" "I didn't want them to be angry at you or him, it was better if I took it alone. I didn't want either of you two to get pushed out." It was silence for a second until Macaque let out a small 'Oh'

The king looked back at the sunrise with a smile, "You know...This feels nice, we should do it more often." he said before placing his head on top of Macaque. Macaque smiled too and closed his eyes again. Their tails interwind as they held hands.


The bell chimed as someone entered, "Good Evening Welcome to-- Wukong." Pigsy was doing his normal introduction when he was caught off guard when Wukong entered the shop. The sudden appearance caused Tang to look up from the bowl of noodles he was eating. "What are you doing here?" Pigsy growled. The monkey had a nervous look on his face, "I know we are no longer on good terms but I...well...I just need you two to come with me." Wukong was glad he didn't stutter from how nervous he was feeling,

"Come with you? Why should we when we can't trust you?" Pigsy spat out, Tang swallowed his noodles and glared at him. "We can see Mk, one last time," he said. The claim caught the other two off guard "All you need to do is trust me and come to the cemetery. " They both hesitated but gave each other a nod.


Once they arrived, they saw Macaque, Mei, Sandy, and Redson. Mei looked happy but nervous at the same time. Redson seemed impatient but also exhausted. And Sandy had a nice smile Macaque held the box from this morning, smiling as he saw them come closer. When Mei saw them she ran over and jumped in excitement. They were all together now, "For this to work I need everyone to remain calm, I'm going to transport your souls into the spirit realm." Wukong gave him a confused look, "Aren't you coming?" "Oooh, about that I might have lied a little bit, only six people can go and someone needs to stay here in the mortal realm to bring them back." Wukong looked offended, "Why didn't you tell me?.."

"Well, after you asked me that question this morning I knew you had an idea."

"Oh...uhm well, you go!''

''What? No no, you're his mentor, you should go!" Macaque protested against it, but Wukong snatched the box from Macaque. The king had always been stubborn so there was no point in arguing with him. Macaque sighed in defeat, "Okay everyone...!" He gave out instructions and information about the Spirit Realm. He taught Wukong how to transport them and bring them back and that there will be a window to see in something happened but no one will see them.

Everyone got into a circle and sat on the ground, they closed their eyes and cleared their mind. Wukong held out his hand and suddenly a white circle with a symbol in the middle appeared underneath them. "Macaque..." Wukong whispered to him, "Hm?"

"Tell the kid I'm proud of him." He said with a smile before Macaque's consciousness left his body.




Yeah, that's right it's the end of the chapter. 

We're still good, right? :)

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