ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1, ᴘᴀɢᴇ 1.

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I woke up to a knock on my door and my rat laying on my chest, cuddling up against the crook of my neck. I softly pat him before another soft knock could be heard. ''Seth, You awake?' the voice was British but had a soft tone to it. I hesitated for some seconds and closed my eyes, sitting in the dark with nothing more than a pet rat for comfort. ''Yeah..'' I softly respond, I'm not able to see my well-known brother's smile but I just knew he was smiling. ''Uh, I-i was wondering if you wanted to come to the park with me and Lorenzo? And maybe we could hang out in the city afterward?''

My brother was one of the only people who knew I wasn't really doing well. My mental health was going downwards a lot to the point I only stayed in my room. Sometimes even entire weeks. People were surprised when I showed up at school, it wasn't a common thing for me to do. But he was always there for me, he saw me at my 'alright' moments and at my lowest. Every panic attack, every mental breakdown. He was there. I'll forever be thankful for him.

I opened my eyes and placed my rat back in his cage, before putting my string lights on. ''Yeah, alright why not.'' - ''Let me just get ready real quick'' I hear his footsteps slowly getting softer, more distant as I grab a woolen sweater and black pants with holes in them. I then grab my black eyeliner and mascara, before making my way to the bathroom.

I put my clothes on the heather and grab a cloth out of the closet, underneath the sink. I wet it a little before washing my face and afterward my body. Not having the energy to take a shower. after at least feeling a little clean I dry myself with a towel, slipping my clothes on not that long after. I find myself looking in the mirror, unable to even look at myself without being disgusted.

 But I close my eyes and take a couple of deep breaths, not willing to show any weakness. I open the eyeliner bottle while opening my eyes slowly again, only daring to look at my eyes. I get closer to the mirror to see my eyes clearer and motion the eyeliner around my eyelids. just above my eyelashes. I give it a little twirl for it to look decent and move on to my mascara, closing the bottle of eyeliner.

 I move it slowly against my eyelashes for it to be spread nicely, giving it a nice curly look. I sigh, grabbing both the bottles and making my way back to my room. I'm absolutely no fan of mirrors, I actually hate them and avoid them as much as I can. which is  also the reason why you can't find any mirror in my room.

I put them back in place and grab my hairbrush, combing my middle-length light blue hair. I don't take the time for it but just comb it through fastly, throwing it back on my desk, quickly moving on to my shoes who I put on tightly. 

I hate letting people wait, I know it's my brother and he doesn't mind me taking my time but still I get the need to be quick, not wanting to let him wait any longer than he already waited.

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