ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1, ᴘᴀɢᴇ 2.

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So I rushed out of my bedroom and down the stairs to be met with my brother Timothy and our dog Lorenzo. He smiled kindly at me, Lorenzo already having his collar on. ''I'm sorry I took long'' I say, the utter need to apologize. ''It's okay Seth, ur fine remember?'' I smile back and grab the housekeys, only to slip my jacket over my shoulders, putting my wallet in one of the pockets. ''Ready to go?'' Timothy says, opening the front door. I nod, as we both walk through it and lock it behind us. 

We walked from sidewalk to sidewalk, I mostly kept my eyes glued to the floor. Counting my steps. while Timothy kept hold of Lorenzo, who was constantly peeing at any bush he saw. We did do small talks tho, though it wasn't quite the whole time. And besides, the wind could be heard softly while the leaves flew around. Screaming children were running over the streets, playing tag and throwing paper airplanes.

It was a pretty long walk before raindrops could be felt, slowly getting more and more intenser. We looked at each other and then back at Lorenzo, who was jumping around in the rain, which made me slightly giggle. Timothy smiled at me, before his teeth were being shown, a big smile now appeared. I smiled at Timothy and Lorenzo as he grabbed my hand and particularly dragged me with him. We started running, like two crazy people &  were just enjoying the sound of rain and the feeling of our now almost soaked clothes.

We were running faster and faster, forgetting all our worries and just living in the moment. Till he screamed, so loud that I'm even surprised his throat isn't sore yet. But I just laughed, screaming just as loud. One of the cozy restaurants we both extremely love is in sight, getting closer while the thunder starts to form itself too. The sky was all grey, almost impossible to see any clouds.  We ran and ran till we found ourselves inside the restaurant, a little arriving bell ringing.

We were catching our breaths, raindrops rolling down both of our hairs. Lorenzo shook himself, making his wet fur dry. Or at least doing an attempt on it. After he finished shaking which was like thirty seconds, We made our way to a table and sat down across from each other. Lorenzo jumped on the couch next to me, as I patted him and his dirty fur, feeling the hardened fur slipping through my fingers. ''Eww,'' I mumble, making both Lorenzo and Timothy look at me, chuckles forming themselves in the crowd of talking voices and coziness.

Lorenzo laid his head on my knee, wagging his tail slightly. I was lost in my thoughts, staring at Lorenzo as a voice brought me out of it. A cheerful voice. ''Hi! Can I take your order please?'' The voice belonged to a blonde woman, her hair in a ponytail and her make-up done in butterfly style as she was wearing the restaurant's clothes.

I looked back at Timothy, as he paid attention to the waitress. I suddenly felt like something was stuck in my throat and my chest tightened. ''For me just a regular coffee and pancakes please,'' Timothy says, ordering and moving his sight to me. I took a couple of deep breaths before trying to speak. ''I-I..'' - ''A Coffee and the avocado toast please,'' I mumble, talking pretty quietly that it sounds like whispering. ''Sorry, I couldn't quite catch that'' the woman says, tapping her pen impatiently against the notebook she's holding.

I cursed in myself, squeezing my leg from underneath the table as I pulled myself together. Repeating my order but this time hearable. ''Coffee and avocado toast, please.'' she nods, giving us a friendly smile before taking off. I could see Timothy wanting to say something but he didn't, keeping quiet. ''I missed those times, where we were hanging out daily.'' I support my head against my hand, who's leaning against the table. ''I do too Tim, I do too..'' I respond, looking around anxiously.

The bell could be heard many times, people walking in and out of the restaurant. But this time a loud voice was heard, causing almost everyone to look in the direction of the door where the voice came from. ''Timothy my boy!! Whatsup?'' a loud enthusiastic voice could be heard, causing Timothy to shake his head. ''Don't look back.''

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