The Hellfire Club. 1

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Sylvie was woken up by the noise of her mother  leaving for work. Ever since her and Billy's dad split up she has been working two jobs and hasn't been dealing well. Max had a councillor to deal with Billy's death and the Byers leaving for California, Sylvia was of course heart broken too. She was still traumatised, every now and then she would see it all again, the night at Starcourt mall.

She got up and put on a cropped graphic T-shirt and a pair of bootleg jeans that hugged her in the best places showing of her hips.

"Sylvie hurry up we are going to be late!" Max yelled into her room. Sylvie quickly put on her red converse and ran out the door into her car with Max in the passenger seat.


Sylvie and Max had arrived in their parking lot at the school and they both got out Sylvie locking the door beside her.

Max got stopped by her councillor. "Why didn't you see me yesterday?" She said quickly. "Oh, yeah I forgot it was Thursday." Max replied awkwardly and walked away Sylvie following behind them.

Sylvie seen her 2 best friend, Robin and Steve, she worked with them in scoops ahoy before, Starcourt got 'burned down'.

There was one thing I didn't mention, her coping mechanism, drugs.

"I cannot be assed with this prep rally bull." Sylvie whispered under her breath to Steve and Robin. Sylvie put in her headphones and stared at the floor listening to 'True Blue' by Madonna. Waiting for it to be over.

Finally the bell went. And she had walked out there quicker than ever and into the canteen.
She walked beside her sister Max. "That was the biggest bull ever." Sylvie groaned. Max walked into the bathroom.

She walked into the canteen and seen a long haired boy on one of the tables.

"As long as your into band.. or science, or parties." He said in a stupid voice making Sylvie laugh catching his attention.
"Or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!" He shouted and everyone went quiet.

"You wont something freak?" A blonde haired boy said and Eddie lifted his hands up to look like devil horns sticking his tongue out

"It's forced conforming.. That's what's killing the kids!" He shouted making a teacher jump, Sylvie was interested and walked over to Dustin and Mike She was like their older sister to them.

Eddie looked at her confused along with everyone else at the table. "Don't you normally sit with Chrissy or Max?" Mike asked her.

"Not today, I intrigued with his speech." She said with a smile causing Eddie to go a bit red. She was pretty, everyone knew that.

"So, speaking of monsters.. Lucas has to do his, uh, balls-in-laundry-baskets game. So.." Dustin chuckled awkwardly. "He's not gonna be able to make it to Hellfire tonight. And I know there's no way we can beat your sadistic campaign without him. And I was thinking we might."

Mike butted in. "-Postpone?" Everyone started arguing and Sylvie shouted at them all to shut up.

"You saying Sinclair's been taken in by the dark side?" Eddie asked "Uh something like that." Sylvie replied. "And rather than find a sub for him you want... you want to postpone The Cult Of Vecna?"

"We don't want to post-pone it It's just that, you know, most of the subs will be at the championship game."Mike said.

"Oh it's the champion ship game." He said sarcastically. "Can I level with you, Jeff graduates this year. Gareth's got what? A year and a half? Me, I am army-crawling my way toward a D in Ms. O'Donnell's".

Sylvie's anger issues were rising and she butted in "Alright, don't post pone it, find a sub, get Max or Steve or Robin, Just get someone to sub in and yous can argue about it another day." She said firmly as the bell went.


It was near the end of the school day, Sylvie had noticed that her close friend Chrissy was acting different, She seen her walk into the woods alone and when she followed her in she was stuck. standing still starring at a tree.

"Chrissy?".. "Chrissy!" Sylvie got frightened when she woke up and Chrissy fell into her with blood lit eyes, Sylvie frightened fell backwards into someone and jumped

"Whoa, hey, hey, hey. Sorry." It was Eddie. "Didn't mean to scare you" He asked calmly. "Is she okay?" mentioning Chrissy in front of me.
She replied back with a simple okay.

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