Suspect. 5

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Sylvie couldn't get to sleep that night and neither could Eddie. She felt mildly unsafe that she had just witnessed one her friends die with a guy everyone suspected was the killer. Sylvie knew it wasn't him, she seen it.

She sighed and starred at the roof. "Eddie?" She asked. "Mhm." He replied in a raspy tired voice as if he hadn't slept in days. She blushed slightly and turned to face him. "You can sleep on the mattress if you want to." She said moving over a little bit.

"No you can have it." He disagreed. "No.. what I meant is we could share it if you like." She said shyly turning red. "I've been feeling a bit unsafe, with this 'Vecna's Curse' thing." She added. "Oh, of course, if it makes you feel anymore safe." He nodded climbing onto the bed leaning beside her.

"Thank you." She said quietly, closing her eyes.

Eddie was huddled up beside her and she leaned her head into his chest. She knew what she was doing.

Sylvie woke up with Eddie nearly on top of her with his hand clung onto her waist. Suddenly The door opened causing Eddie to spring up and Sylvie to flinch.

"Jesus Christ!" He shouted. "Were we interrupting something?" Steve asked with a smirk on his face and Sylvie just rolled her eyes.

"Delivery service." Dustin said smiling.

Eddie began stuffing his face a Sylvie barely ate anything, To be honest, she barely ever ate anything.

"So we got uh, some good news and some bad news. How do you prefer it." Dustin asked "Bad news first, always." He said still eating.

"Alright, bad news. We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro and they're definitely looking for you." Dustin replied making Eddies face just drop. "Also they are 99 percent convinced you murdered Chrissy." Dustin added.

"What bout me, did they say anything about me?" Sylvie asked Dustin. "Nope, not that we know of, yet.." Dustin replied. "It would be safer to stay here until we find out though."

"And the good news?" Eddie asked. "Your name hasn't gone public yet. But if we found out about you it's only a matter of time until others do and once that gets out everyone and their shallow-minded mother is gonna be gunning for you." Robin replied.

"Hunt the freak, right." Eddie said dumbfounded "Exactly" Robin said looking him dead in the eyes.

"So before that happens we need to find Vecna, kill him and prove your innocence!" Dustin said happily. Always a smile on his face. Sylvie thought to herself.

"That's all Dustin, that's all?" Eddie said unconvinced. "Yeah, no, that's pretty much all." Dustin said.

"Listen, Eddie" Sylvie said making eye contact with him. "I know everything Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional, but we've actually gone through this kind've thing before."

"Yeah, see we usually rely on this girl who has superpowers. But, uh those went bye bye, so.." Steve got cut off by Robin "So we're technically in more of the kinda brainstorming phase."

"Brainstorming" Steve said with a click. "There's nothing to worry about." Dustin said with a voice crack. He was a terrible liar. Sylvie scoffed at them all. Eddie still wasn't convinced and Sylvie suddenly ran over to the window at the sound of sirens wailing.

"Shit." Steve said. Eddie covered himself in the tarp and everyone rushed to the window

Sylvie and Eddie had to stay at the hideout until they came back and it was awkward to say the least. Sylvie just sat on the mattress while Eddie was tapping a table making a drum noise.

Eddie finally made the decision to spark a conversation. "So, do you and Steve have a, 'thing'?" He asked "Me and Steve?" She reclaimed laughing "Nope, we're just friend, I'm also 70 percent sure he still likes his ex, Nancy, who is definitely over him but if I'm being honest they were perfect together." She smiled at him.

She's stunning. He thought to himself. "Your starring" Sylvie said causing him to blush. When she saw it, it made her laugh.

She looked over to the beer bottle beside him "Can I have the rest of that?" She asked. "Sure. If you can get it before I down it" Eddie said smirking lifting it up to his lips.

"Son of a-" Sylvie said getting up and running over to him and right before she was about to snatch it out of his hand he moved it causing her to trip and fall on him.

"Shit." Sylvie said to catch his attention. "What?" He shot her a worried look. That's when she took the bottle out of his hand and downed what remained.


A few hours passed and Steve, Dustin and Robin still haven't shown up. "You think they've ditched us?" Sylvie asked. "Definitely." Eddie replied and Sylvie frowned. "Fuck this." She said and ran out of the cabin.

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