Nancy. 12

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Everyone was rushing to look for some sort of music if this was Vecna taking Nancy.

"What are you even looking for?" Eddie shouted over Robin. "Music, Madonna, Blondie Anything!" She shouted back

Eddie took a mixtape out of her hand. "This is music!"

Sylvie was panicking looking for a music piece and looked at the handcuffs set against a wall and gave Eddie a weird look through the hallway. Suddenly she heard a gasp and ran to where the portal was and looked up at Steve and Nancy.

"Nancy!" Sylvie shouted and everyone cane running.


Nancy's eyes were still bloodshot. She was perched onto a sofa sitting across from everyone else.

"He showed me.." Her voice still crumbling. "things that haven't happened yet. The most awful things."

Sylvie gave her a worried expression and began bouncing her leg, it's something she would do if she was anxious.

"I saw a dark cloud spreading over Hawkins. Downtown on fire. Dead soldiers. And this... giant creature with a gaping mouth." Nancy said shivers ran through Sylvie's body.

"This creature wasn't alone. There were so many monsters. An army, and they were coming into Hawkins." Nancy said almost crying again.

"Into our neighbourhoods. Our homes, and then he showed me my mom. And Holly. Mike and they.. they were all." Nancy stopped and breathed shakily.

"Okay. But he's just trying to scare you, they aren't real." Sylvie said trying to calm her down.

"Not yet." She whispered "But there.. there was something else. He showed me, gates. Four gates. Spreading across Hawkins and these gates, they looked like the one outside of Eddie's trailer. But they didn't stopped growing ." Nancy said and Sylvie looked at Eddie, he had a hand over his mouth and looked worried. All of us were worried.

Sylvie placed a hand on Eddies knee for reassurance.

"And this wasn't the upside-down Hawkins. This was our Hawkins." Nancy broke.

"Four chimes." Max spoke up. "Vecna's clock, it always chimes 4 times." She said

"I heard them too." Nancy said. "He's been telling us his plan this whole time." Sylvie said.

"Four kills." Lucas spoke "Four gates." Sylvie spoke again finishing his sentence.

"End of the world." Lucas said.
"If that's true... He's only one kill away." Dustin said.

Sylvie lifted her hand off of Eddies leg and covered her face.

"Oh Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ!" Eddie shouted. "Try 'em again, try them again!" Steve shouted.

Max grabbed the phone and started pressing numbers.

"Anything?" Dustin asked. "No, I rang a few times there's no signal."

"Maybe you punched it wrong, try again." Steve demanded.

"I didn't punch it in wrong." She rolled her eyes.
"Well I don't know." Steve said

Max rang again and no answer. "Same shit."

"How is that even possible." Sylvie groaned. "I tell you Joyce has this telemarketer job, she's always on the phone." Dustin said

"Somethings wrong." Sylvie said.

Sylvie heard Nancy mumbling something and then she turned around. "We have to go back in there, back to the upside down." Nancy demanded.

"Nope." Eddie said and Sylvie stayed quiet. "No no no no no." Steve continued.

"Let's think this through, okay." Steve said and Sylvie lost it. "What is there to think through! What just because we almost didn't make it out of there, we weren't prepared! this time we are!" Sylvie argued.

"We'll go through the gate, we'll find his layer and we'll kill him." Nancy finished.

"Or he'll kill us!" Steve shouted.

Sylvie had enough of it and just walked away into another wrong and sat down on the floor with her head in her knees as she closed her eyes.

A/N : ik this is so short but im so tired and this is the quickest i could do.

630 words

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