Dealer. 2

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Me, Chrissy and Eddie Munson, at a picnic table, dealing drugs, I paid for Chrissy and mine. I know she was dealing with something so I didn't want to leave her skint.

Her leg was bouncing and I was just sitting there awkwardly.
"There's uh... nothing to worry about. Okay? No one ever comes out here."

"So how this this work exactly" Chrissy asked shyly.
"Oh, just like any other old sale, except, uh, cash only, and, uh, for obvious reasons, no receipts." Eddie replied and I chuckled

"I'll do you a half ounce for, uh... 20. What do you say?" Eddie asked.
"I'll pay for it, and my own obviously."

"Sylvie Mayfield doing drugs?" Eddie asked but got caught of guard by Chrissy getting scared over a squirrel. "Hey we don't need to do this, just give me the word and I'll walk away."

"No It's not that, do you ever feel like you're losing your mind." Chrissy asked and immediately Sylvie's mind went straight to her dreams about Billy and the night at Starcourt.

"Um.. you know, just... on a daily basis." He said smiling, His smile was perfect, in Sylvies mind.

"I mean I feel like I'm losing my mind right now doing a drug deal with Chrissy Cunningham and Sylvie Mayfield, literally the two most popular girls in school."

"You know, this isn't the first time we've uhm hung out." Eddie said and Chrissy and I gave him a confused look." Suddenly he fell on the ground a Sylvie gasped.

"I wouldn't remember me either girls. Honestly, do I have stuff in my hair?" I was almost laughing so hard I almost fell aswell.

"Middle school, talent show. You were doing this cheer thing. You know the thing you do, It was pretty cool actually. And I was with my band. Corroded Coffin."

"Oh my god!" Both of us laughed.
"You do remember!"
"Of course with a name like that, how could I forget." Chrissy laughed. "You looked so-"

"-Different" Eddie finished her sentence for her
"Yeah. Well uh my hair was buzzed and I didn't have these sweet old tatties yet." Immediately Sylvie blushed she covered her face with her hands hoping he would put his attention on Chrissy.

"You played guitar right?" Chrissy asked. "Still do. Still do. You should come see us" Eddie asked. "We play at The Hideout on Tuesdays. It's pretty cool. We actually get a crowd of about 5 drunks." I started laughing

"It's not exactly the Garden hut you gotta start somewhere, right? So.." He said punching a tree

"Your not what I thought you'd be like." Sylvie said still a bit red.
"Mean and scary?" "yep."

"Yeah, well, I actually thought you'd be mean and scary too." Her eyes grew wide and she laughed.


They were about to leave and Eddie stopped Sylvie. "Hey uhm, you should sit with us again sometimes, or y'know you can sit with Chrissy and the jocks."

"Sure." Sylvie replied quickly.

Eddie had seen Sylvie blushing but didn't mention it, He didn't want to embarrass her but. It was flattering.

Smoke • Eddie Munson • OC x Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now