Lovers Lake. 8

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They were running for at least a mile until Dustin stopped and checked the compass. "Somethings happening." He said with a smile. Sylvie was bent over hand on her knees panting. "For fucks sake, we're running again?" She groaned. "C'mon doll it's not too bad." He said with a smirk.

"Dustin, can you slow down, Dustin!" Eddie shouted at him as they began running again. "I think we're getting close." Suddenly they all stopped as Eddie grab the back of Dustins shirt stopping him from falling into the lake.

"Watch your step big guy." Eddie said. "Oh man.." Steve groaned "You gotta be shitting me." Sylvie shouted.

"I thought these woods were familiar." Eddie said and Robin continued. "Lovers lake."

"This is.. confounding." Dustin whispered. "There's a gate in Lover's Lake?" Max asked. "Whenever the Demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening." Nancy answered

"Maybe Vecna's the same way." Sylvie added. "Yeah only one way to find out." Steve replied as he turned his head to a small boat.

Eddie ripped the cover off of it while he shined the torch at it. He pushed it into the water roughly.

"Easy. I said easy man!" Steve groaned at Eddie. "Sorry, dude." He replied.

Robin got in first, Eddie second. "Wheeler." He spoke giving her a helping hand. "You coming Sylvie?" He asked the shorter girl. "Yep." She spoke

Sylvie held onto Eddie's hand as she climbed into the boat, she slipped on a piece of seaweed crashing into Eddie's chest. His hands were secured on her waist keeping her steady before she pulled away.

Just before Dustin got in Eddie stopped him "Hey, hey, hey. You trying to sink us? This thing holds 4 peoples, tops, okay?"

"It's better this way. You guys stay here with Max. Keep an eye out for trouble." Nancy added. "Compass." Nancy said holding her hand out. Dustin rolled his eyes and gave it to her.

Just then Steve through his bag to Dustin. " Here you go." and he pushed out the boat climbing onto it as quickly as possible.

"You said four!" Dustin shouted. "Sorry." Steve whispered. "Bedtime at nine kiddos'!" Robin shouted out to them.


"Uh Dustin, your compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a capital 'Ahh'" Robin spoke through the walkie talkie.

Sylvie turned around and seen Steve taking off his socks. "Steve what are you doing?" Sylvie asked him with a worried expression.

"Somebody's gotta go down there and check this thing out. Unless one of you four can top being a Hawkins High swim team co-captain." He replied.

"Actually, Yeah I can Steve." Sylvie replied. "Captain, not Co-Captain. Captain of the girls Hawkins High swim team."

"Yeah but I'm not letting you go down there." He said firmly. "And why not!" Sylvie argued and Steve just rolled his eyes.

"Fuck this." She mumbled under her breath as she quickly kicked of her shoes and quickly thrown of her T-shit leaving her in her red, silk bra as she quickly dived in.

"Sylvie!" Eddie shouted at her. "She forgot a flashlight." Eddie said worryingly as he tied a plastic bag to a flashlight and handed it to Steve. " Go get her."

Steve took it and dived down after her. Seems that Sylvie had already found the gate. Steve swam down beside her as he touched the gate and they both swam up. Sylvie started panting and held onto the boat grabbing Eddie's hand.

"I found it." Sylvie claimed. "It's pretty wild, it's more of a snack-size gate then a momma gate." Steve reminded.

Suddenly both Steve and Sylvie got submerged back into the water. Steve came back up but Sylvie didn't.

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