Popular make-out Spot. 7

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Eddie picked up the walkie talkie and began talking "Dustin, hey can you hear me?" He asked in a worried tone as Sylvie walked over to sit beside him.

"Eddie holy shit." Dustin whispered back at him through the walkie talkie. "Are you okay?" He added and Eddie bit into one of his silver rings.

"Nah man. Pretty.. pretty goddamn far from okay." He shivered and Sylvie huddled up next to him to try and comfort him.

"Where are you?" Dustin asked concerningly. "Skull rock." Sylvie spoke up and Eddie finished. "Do you know it?" He asked Dustin.

"Uh, yeah. That's near Cornwallis and--" Dustin got cut off by Steve "-Garrett, yeah I know." He said taking the walkie talkie from him.

"Hold tight, we're coming." Dustin said while walking back into Steve's car. Eddie nodded and Sylvie noticed his worried and placed her hand on the back of his gently rubbing it, in which he returned a light pale smile.

"It's going to be fine." She said softly looking into his brown eyes. In attempt to try and strengthen the mood Eddie decided to bring up last night. Immediately Sylvie's face went red in embarrassment

"So about last night.." Eddie Munson started but never finished because of Sylvie shutting him up. "Shut up, don't get too cocky Munson."

"Oh but you love me." He said with a smirk getting closer to her face. Sylvie rolled her eyes, at this point they were inches away from each other. There was so much tension between the two at the moment.

"You do realise that Skull Rock is like a super popular make-out spot." Eddie spoke up. "Obviously, Steve basically invented it." Sylvie replied.

"Is that why you had the brilliant idea to take me up here." He said with a smirk and Sylvie rolled her eyes at him and fixed her hair. "Maybe it is." She said confidently

"Well in that case." He moved in closer to her face but was stopped by rustling in the bushes and he quickly grabbed her wrist making her follow him up a small cramped tree.

"Boom! Bada bing, bada boom." Steve said cockily. "There she is Henderson." He shouted starring at the rock. "In your face man, in your cocky little face."

"That doesn't make sense." Dustin whispered looking stunned "Yeah, yeah yeah. Even with it starring at you, you can't admit it." Steve laughed. "You just can't admit your a butthead."

Suddenly Eddie jumped down bring Sylvie with him. "I concur. You Dustin Henderson are a.." Eddie took a breath. "Total butthead." He finished making Sylvie laugh.

"Jesus we thought yous were goners." Dustin sighed in relief hugging the two. "Yeah me too man." Eddie sighed.

"Oh, yeah Sylvie.. You may or may not be a suspect now." Dustin winced. "What why?" She shouted.

"Jason saw you with Eddie so now he thinks the two of you are working together to 'murder' the teens." He replied making Eddie sigh.

"When I got to shore, I tried calling you guys but uh." Eddie paused taking a chug of water and then passing it to Sylvie. "My walkie was busted man. Drenched." He sighed. "So uh, I did this thing that I do now I guess, We ran." He said smiling cockily

"Do you know what time this was, the attack?" Nancy asked and Sylvie watched Dustin walk back and fourth.

"Yeah, no, I know exactly what time it was. My walkie wasn't the only thing that got soaked." Eddie said as he took of his watched. Sylvie watched his bony hands move carefully. He passed the watch to Nancy.

"9:27." She read out. "Same time our flashlights went kablooey." Robin finished. "Which means exactly?" Steve asked confused.

"That that surge of energy was Vecna attacking Patrick." Sylvie said giving him the answer.

"Well, we're one-step-closer. We know how Vecna attacks." Robin added. Sylvie still had her eyes locked on Dustin walking back and fourth "And where he attacks from" Lucas added onto Robins statement.

"So now we just need into his layer in the upside down and drive a stake through his heart." Max said "If he even has a heart." Robin joked.

"A stake as in vamp--" Steve started and Sylvie finished. "Is he a vampire!" She said concerningly.

"It was a metaphor." Max said rolling her eyes. "A bullet should work on him, right?" Eddie asked. "I say we chop his head off." Lucas stated.

"Yeah, I'd say all of the above, but we can't do any of that 'til we find a way into the upside down." Nancy said. Dustin finally stopped looking at his compass and looked down to Lovers Lake.

"We need El to get her powers back." Max said desperately. "Everything was like wayyyyy easier." Steve stopped to look at Eddie. "We had this girl, she had super powers." He got cut off by Eddie

"Superpowers, yeah you mentioned her." He stopped and looked at Dustin. "Hey uhh, Henderson not cursed, is he?" Sylvie asked.

"Cursed? No no no, he's fine. Mental? Absolutely." Steve joked.

"Boom!" Dustin shouted making Sylvie flinch and Eddie looked at her worried. Dustin then pointed at Steve and whispered. "Bada... bada... boom."

"I was right. Skull Rock was North!" Dustin said cockily. "Seriously? You're serious!" Steve shouted and Dustin returned him with a 'Mhm'

"This is Skull rock! Okay?" Steve shouted and Dustin kept going 'Mhm' "You're totally absolutely 100 percent wrong right now!" Steve shouted and Nancy rolled her eyes.

"Yes. And no." Dustin said. "Oh my god." Steve whispered under his breath and covered his face.

Dustin lifted up his compass. "This compass worked correctly when we left the Wheeler's. It was correct when we got in the car at Curly. But it started to slip the further East we went. Now it's way off. When I was leading us here, I wasn't wrong, the compass was." Dustin said making Steve roll his eyes.

"So you're using faulty equipment, dude your still wrong!" Steve groaned. "Wait Steve he's making a point, did you honestly ever listen in physics." Sylvie rolled her eyes

Dustin nodded "It isn't faulty. Lucas remember what can affect a compass." Dustin said pointing at Lucas. "An electromagnetic field." He replied.

"Yep!" Dustin said excitedly. "I'm sorry I must've missed a class?" Robin said confused.

"In the presence of a stronger electromagnetic field, the needle will deflect towards the power. So either there's some super big magnet around here or..-" Dustin got cut off as Sylvie finished his sentence.

"There's a gate." She nodded. "Oh my God, Dustin you're a genius." Sylvie got up and hugged him tightly.

"But, we're no where near the Lab." Nancy said looking confused. "But what if, somehow, there's another gate? A gate we don't know about. It'd have to be smaller, way less powerful."

"Snack-size gate." Robin joked "How? Why?" Steve asked.

"No idea, all I know is something is causing this disturbance, and the last time we seen something like this it was a gate. And I hope it is, because then we'd have a way to get to Vecna." Dustin said. He began to walk downhill.

"Where are you going?" Steve asked him. "Eddie and Sylvie are wanted and we're just going to go for a hike in the woods?"

"This little steel capsule might be the key for saving Sylvie and Eddie. What say you Eddie the banished.. and uhm Sylvie." Dustin asked the two.

"I'm in!" Sylvie said confidently while Eddie took a moment of thought. "I say you're asking me to follow you into Mordor, which if I'm totally straight with you, I think it's a really bad idea. But, uh, the Shire... the Shire is burning." Eddie replied and Dustin started jumping up and down.

Eddie slapped his knees and got up smiling. "Mordor it is." He said and everyone began following Dustin.

(1324 words.)

Smoke • Eddie Munson • OC x Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now