Vecna's curse . 4

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"Sylvie. Sylvie! Wake the fuck up." Eddie whisper-shouted at the girl who had just woken from her nap as banging on the door started. "What, what happened?" Sylvie said tiredly her voice raspy. "Hide." He said grabbing her wrist pulling her underneath a table huddled together.

She heard familiar voice, Dustin.. Max.. Steve.. Robin.. and Nancy. "Personally, I don't find it funny in the sligh-" Steve got cut off by Eddie pinning him against the wall with knife against his  throat.

"Eddie!" They all snapped at him including Sylvie and Max turned around to face her. "Sylvie!" She said happily

"Eddie! Eddie! Stop!" Dustin shouted scared for Steve. Sylvie helped him. "Eddie! Stop!" He loosened his grip on Steve.

"It's Me! It's Dustin!" . "This is Steve. He is not going to hurt you! Isn't that right Steve" Dustin claimed. "Right, yeah." Steve whispered.

"Steve why don't you drop the oar." Dustin said to try calm him down. Steve dropped the oar making a loud crash on the ground making Eddie flinch.

"What are you doing here." Eddie said shaking. "We're looking for you!" Dustin exclaimed and Robin started talking.

"We're here to help." She said calmly. "Eddie, these are my friends." Dustin said and Sylvie nodded to try and convince him. "You know Robin, from band." Sylvie told him. "This is my sister Max."

"Eddie. We're on, your, side. I swear on my mother!" Dustin shouted. "Yes yes, we swear" Max nodded. "On Dustin's mother." Robin said and Steve joined in. "Yeah on Dustin's mother." He said quietly.

Finally he let go of Steve throat and Sylvie went and hugged Max. "Where have you been!?" She shouted worryingly.

"There was a little.. inconvenience. " She said awkwardly. Eddie looked stunned to say the least and Dustin walked over to him

"Eddie.. we just want to talk." Dustin said calmly to both Eddie and Sylvie. "We wanna know what happened." Robin asked.

Eddie sniffed a little. "You won't believe us.." He said quietly and Sylvie just stayed quiet and stared at the ground.

"Try us." Max said. She was ready to believe her sister even if there was druggie beside them.

Eddie explained what happened and Sylvie hadn't moved an inch.

"You all think we're crazy right?" Eddie asked running a hand through his hair. "No. We don't think your crazy." Dustin answered.

"Don't bullshit me man!" Eddie shouted at them and Sylvie finally talked from the corner of the room. "They might believe you y'know." She scoffed still with her dried runny mascara from yesterday on her face.

"This might be a little difficult to take.." Sylvie said standing up and walking over to them. "They're not far off." She said. "There's another world." Dustin crammed in "A world, hidden beneath Hawkins. Sometimes it bleeds into ours."

"Like ghosts, and shit?" Eddie asked locking eyes with Sylvie making her quickly look away from him. She was admiring him, and he could tell which caused a slight smile to his face.

"There are some things worse than ghost." Max claimed and Sylvie immediately thought of the mind flayer and.. Billy.

"These monsters, from another world. We thought they were gone. But they've come back before and that's why we need to find you both." Dustin said quietly

"If they're back again, we need to know" Max said. "That night, did you see anything?" Robin asked. "Dark particles maybe?" Max responded to finish her sentence.

Eddie just shook his head and his eyes shot to Sylvie who was zoned out starring at the ground. "She couldn't move." Eddie responded. "It was like she was in a trance or something." Sylvie finally talked.

"Or under a spell." Dustin added making Sylvie look up and catch Eddie starring at her as he quickly looked away. "A curse" Eddie said looking at Dustin.

"Vecna's curse." Dustin ended everyone looking wide eyed at them "Who's Vecna?" Sylvie and Steve said at the same time.

"An undead creature of great power." Dustin replied. "A spell caster." Eddie added. Sylvie scoffed at them "You guys are complete nerds" Sylvie said while Robin nodded her head to agree.

"You have a thing for nerds! Or you did in middle school" Steve laughed at her remembering her crush on Eddie in middle school. "Shut up." Sylvie said throwing a small stone that was on the floor at him.

Total : 707 words.

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