Chrissy. 3

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Sylvie was about to walk out of school but got stopped in her tracks when Dustin stopped her. "Hey, Sylvie, wanna be a sub for Eddi-" Dustin got cut off with a simple. "Nope I'm busy."


Sylvie looked out the window of her trailer and noticed Eddie leading Chrissy into it and Max standing at the front door, She didn't want Max to be seen as nosy so she called her over to her room.

Sylvie and her haven't been talking recently or ever since their mother has been working 2 jobs. She was always either at her councillor or just listening to music, so she took this as an opportunity to catch up with her.

Max walked into her room and she asked her to sit down. "Do you know why Eddie Munson is welcoming Chrissy into his 'home'?" Max asked confused

"Nope." She lied, She knew it was for the drugs she just couldn't say. "I could go over and see." Sylvie said finishing her sentence and running out of her trailer.

It was until she heard a loud bang from his trailer she was concerned and ran inside.

"Chrissy? Eddie?" She looked around concerned. she looked up and seen Chrissy's bones snapping.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Sylvie screamed running over to Eddie. Chrissy's bones have all snapped and she's levitating. 

You couldn't hear anything other than Sylvie crying and Eddie screaming, Sylvie was clung onto him while Eddie almost lost his voice.

Her eyes popped out and Sylvie lost it and ran out of his trailer with Eddie not following far behind.

"What the fuck just happened?" Sylvie asked trying to keep her cool. Eddie was speechless and just started running. "Where the fuck are you going?" She shouted exaggerating the 'fuck'.

"Not in there, not after what just happened." He shouted and Sylvie chased after him.


Eddie opened the door to the small cabin. "It's not exactly perfect but it's good enough for now" He said lifting up a mattress and putting it on the floor." Sylvie looked around for a bean bag or just anything for her to sleep on.

"Is there anything I could sleep on?" Sylvie asked him and he just remembered her didn't have an extra. "Ehm.. No." He said embarrassed.

Sylvie groaned and Eddie butted in. "I'll sleep on the floor!"

"Fine with me."

Authors note : Sorry this was short i literally just got home from school and im really tired.

396 words.

Smoke • Eddie Munson • OC x Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now