Chapter 2: Truth be told

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I ignored the text from Sia and got up from the bed. I unlocked her phone which I don't normally do but I needed to see if what I read was right. As I opened the notification, I read that she had applied more than a month ago and that they had reviewed her application. She never told me this and I stayed there, shocked. I called Jonas and asked him if he or Sierra knew about this and he denied. I trust him but what if my sister was keeping it from me too? That wouldn't be right at all...

It's not her responsibility anyways, it's Stacy's. Fuck! I should've known that she wasn't serious about us. I left from Stacy's place. I couldn't deal it with. I decided to go to the hospital and be with Sierra and Jonas instead.

As I reached the hospital, I noticed that my sister was now awake. Without wasting a second, I hugged her and asked her what happened.

Jonas had gone out to the vending machine to get us some coffee. I sit on the chair by my sister's bed.

"I... I don't really remember much but all I knew is that it was a complete accident, my fault actually as I had a huge fight with mom on the phone prior to the accident." She said, noticing my face and understanding that something was wrong.

"What happened?" she asked with concern.

"You knew about Stacy applying to GMS? I found out after we got back, after Stacy fell asleep. She has no idea that I know or that I'm here. She's probably still asleep. "I reply with a sigh and look down in sadness.

"Yeah, I knew. It was her secret to share not mine. Before you say anything, I know I'm your sister but I'm also her best friend. I couldn't tell you, I'm sorry." she said with a half sad smile.

I nod and be quiet knowing it's not her fault and as she's gone through enough, I didn't want to cause her more stress. After a few hours, I got a call from Stacy and I declined it. I had dozed off for a bit after Jonas left and woke up to freshen up. I received a few more texts from her in the next couple of hours.

'hey, you left... What happened?'

'Did you check my phone? You're not to do such things Keith. '

'Keith, let's just talk this out please? I can explain babe.'



'I only kept it from you because I was afraid that you might want to break up. You have every right to be mad. Just try to look at it from my point of view.'

'call me please?'

A few days went by and Sierra was finally discharged and much better. Jonas and her got closer and closer. They did share a kiss or two in front of me too. She looked happy with him and that's the only reason I say nothing. Stacy and I have been on the outs for the last four days now. Sierra feels bad for me but I've asked her to not let this ruin what they both have. I needed some time away and so the guys and I decided to go out for the weekend. Sierra and Stacy were hanging staying over at our place. I have still not forgiven her. I mean I will but not yet.

"Yo Keith, think fast." I heard Rob's voice as I felt the basketball approach me and I caught it.

"I was thinking, as it's our final year so maybe we should do something after graduation man or next weekend?" Jonas said while he texted someone. He and my sister are going strong and I'm happy for them.

"yeah maybe..." I reply with a shrug.

Depends on how things go with all of us... with us.


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