Chapter 15: Be fair with me

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I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Logan's car. I run out of the apartment and down to the scene. There were police cars but the ambulance wasn't there yet. Keith was speaking to me but for some reason, everything was muted to me except for the sirens. I try to get to get to Logan's car but the officer stops me.

"Ma'am we can't let you there, we're sorry."

"I'm his girlfriend. I mean, we just...we just had a bad fight and he left but please, please let me see him!" I plead and the officer nods a no. The ambulance arrives and take Logan inside it. I see him and he's all bloody and badly hurt. I get inside and so does Keith. Keith holds me throughout the way.

"Logan...can you hear me?" I ask, hoping he can hear me. The medics were trying to control the bleeding. The other driver was fine but Logan's car had flipped over twice. I hold his hand as I close my eyes and a tear falls on my cheek.

"Please don't leave us, not like this." I say and look at Keith. He pulls me in his arms and I stay there till we reach the hospital. Once we do, they take Logan to the ER and ask us to wait outside. Once they control the bleeding, they take him to the OR and do what was necessary. Logan had broken his right arm with multiple fractures in his ribs and bruises on his face. The doctor had told us about it a minute ago and I cover my mouth in shock as I hear him.

"We'll try our best. It'll be best to call family and friends now." he says and leaves. I was in no condition to call anyone. Keith calls Logan's family, informing them about it and to my surprise they were unable to make it. They sent some money for his treatment and rest was covered by insurance. I call Sierra and tell her everything. They asked if they needed to be there but I didn't want Sierra to travel much in the last few months of her pregnancy. Rob arrived and we informed him along with Gloria who had come to the hospital as well. Keith didn't really bother much about her and his focus was on me. Luckily, she understood that. After a few hours we get an update that they had completed the surgery and he is sent to the ICU as he was in coma. The doctor said that Logan can hear and feel.

I enter the room and as I saw him, my hand immediately held on to his.

"Logan...gosh, where do I even start? I don't know what's our future or what is going to happen once you're okay but I know that I am here for you. I'm not going anywhere." I say and sit on the chair near the bed, my hand still in his. Keith enters the room and I look at him. He looks at his best friend and back at me.

"I don't know if I should be mad at him for hurting you or sorry for him." he says and walks to Logan.

"Hey man, hang on in there. You don't get to leave us all. I will kill you myself for hurting the girl we love when you are all healed up." he says and I look at him. 'The girl we love...'

"Keith, can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask him, pointing at the door. I get up and he follows me out after patting Logan's shoulder.

"Thanks for being there. It's hard for me to see him like this." I say and he smiles through his eyes. I could see that he was worried about Logan as well and so I cut it short.

"I thought you liked Gloria?"

"I do. I never said I loved her. Look, I know you and I are friends and all but doesn't mean I don't love you still, you're my first love Stacy. I see your happiness with Logan and I am not taking that away. I'm trying to move on, trust me." he says and I smile at him. I didn't know anything right now, what relationship I have with Logan? Are we going our separate paths once he's okay? If he was really sorry? Or if I'm ever going to forgive him and be his friend always? What I know is that Keith is there for me and we together need to be there for Logan.

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