Chapter 16: Something new, no one new

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Keith looked at me like he wanted to tell me something. I look at him and he was looking down. I try to get his attention by poking his arm with my index finger gently. He looks at me and smiles.

"If you're going to stay silent and not spill, I'm going to have to either go back to sleep or do something because right now, silence is killing me." I tell him and he looks at me with concern.

"Okay um...Stace, I went to see Logan. It didn't go well. I guess he knows that you're aware of him cheating on you." he says and I look at him, waiting for him to continue as I fold my arms and listen.

"I punched him, I'm sorry. He has been cheating on you ever since he's come to Atlanta. He confirmed that he wasn't serious about you after a while, especially after you guys did the whole long-distance thing." he says and I look down. I was so hurt with what I had found out that I asked Keith to stop talking for a minute. Why didn't Logan say anything when I arrived in Atlanta? Why would he pretend to love me and be so excited about seeing me at the airport? Mainly, why did he act? I take my phone and call him. Keith looks at me and tries to stop me but I still go on. He picks up.

"Hey cheater, I just wanted to tell you. This whole one year that you ruined, I could've been with someone better. No wonder you were all perfect when I came to Atlanta. You were trying to hide the fact that you were fucking that whore. Don't ever speak to me again!"

"Stacy, I loved you truly but things changed after I moved away. I liked my life here and I wanted to start fresh. That's no excuse for hurting you and I'm sorry. I hope you find a way to forgive me someday." he replies and I hang up. I throw the phone on the couch beside me and took a deep breath, trying not to cry. I felt so hurt that the guy that played hero in my life turned out to be the one to hurt me. The next thing I knew is that I was crying. Keith pulled me into his arms and held me tight. I continue crying and he continues to try and calm me down. Keith has never cheated on me and honestly, he's always been the hero in my life. I never stopped loving him but I knew that I hadn't loved him more than I did Logan who now I felt nothing for, nothing.

When I finally had stopped crying, Keith looked at me and wiped my tears. He held my face and looked into my eyes. I look at him and he smiles at me. He gets up and I wondered what he was up to. He heads to the fridge and grabs an ice cream box tub of my favorite Ben and Jerry's cookie and cream. He grabs two spoons and I look at him, smiling.

"You remember." I say as I take my spoon from his hand.

"Of course." he replies and we eat the ice cream while watching One tree hill. Even though Keith wasn't a fan of this show, he knew I liked it and so he put it on for me.

"Oh my God, Lucas is so mean to Brooke. He shouldn't be with someone and then leave her for Peyton like for the second time." I say and Keith laughs.

"Well, unfortunately, he didn't love Brooke as much as Peyton and sometimes it takes another person to make you realize that, like Lucas knew that he had to be with Peyton for sure after he dated Brooke. Brooke is sweet, kind, loving...but she's not Peyton you know..." he says and I look at him. He looks at me, into my eyes. I look away and at my spoon.

Once we finish, I decide to stay the night here as I didn't want to face Logan. Keith would be coming with me after my classes tomorrow to pick up the rest of my stuff from the apartment when Logan wasn't home.

I help Keith clear up the kitchen and he takes out the trash. Once he got back in and locked the doors, he looked at me.

"I'll take the couch." he says and I nod a no. He looked at me, confused.

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