Chapter 4: Holding on and letting go

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  The weekend arrives and we decide to take two cars just to be safe. I say bye to my mom and Emily as I get into the car. I decided to go with Logan and Robert instead of riding with Keith after everything that happened at the party. He was with Jonas and Sierra. We took off for our 2-hour journey and on the way, we talked a lot. I learned a lot about Logan today and Rob as well, even though I knew Rob since I was 14.

"I need to pee you guys. Stop somewhere please." Rob says as Logan and I both laugh at him.

"You should've gone before we left. But there's a gas station in a mile or so, chill." Logan says and continues to drive. I look out the window and I feel him looking at me. I smile knowing so and look at him. I was sitting in the front besides him.

We reach the gas station and Logan calls Jonas to let them know we've stopped for a bit. Rob rushes and I get out the car, looking at the sky. It was a gloomy day and was going to pour soon. I love this weather. Logan walks up to me and I smile at him. We haven't talked much since the almost kiss yesterday other than when we weren't alone.

"Hey. We should reach in an hour or so." he said and I nodded. He was wearing a dark blue hoodie and a white t-shirt inside along with some dark jeans. I wore a tee and some denim shorts.

"Want to get some snacks?" he asked, trying to make conversation.

"Nah, thanks. I ate something before we left."

He looks at me and we both stare at each other awkwardly.

"I'm back, let's go you guys." Rob comes back and we all get in the car. We start driving off to our destination. He falls asleep and it's quiet.

I take my phone and text Sierra to ask where they had reached. They were still behind us as they had a longer stop. We reached in an hour and I get out of the car. We had to wait outside the house as Jonas had the keys. Rob goes and waits near the house. Logan is looking down at his feet and as I start to walk, he follows me. I walk towards the lake to see the view, it's beautiful. He's besides me.

"I don't want us to not talk ever or for it to be awkward between us so please can we just... be friends again and forget that ever happened?" he asks and I look at him.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same. Sure, friends." I reply and he smiles. I smile back. This won't ever not be awkward or unforgettable and we both knew that.

Just then, the others arrive and we get inside the lake house. Jonas shows us our rooms. There were in total five rooms. Jonas and Sierra took one of course as the rest of us choose our own. After settling in, we decided to go for a swim.

"Hey stop, hehehe..." I hear Sierra and Jonas's voice from the lake. I wear my cute floral bikini and throw on some denim shorts. I see Logan and Keith coming out of their rooms the same time I was and they stared at me. Keith looked at me and walked out to the lake whereas Logan stands there, waiting for me. He's shirtless and is wearing his beach shorts. His abs are highlighted due to the golden hour and his hair is messed up. He smiles at me.

"Let's go?" he asks and I walk toward him. I smile and we go into the lake. The boys all jump in. Sierra and I hadn't had some girl time in the while so we sat and decided to catch up for a while. Keith looked at me and I remembered the last time we were here was during summer last year. We were happy but like Logan said, things change. And if he slept with someone else just because he found out about my college application, I deserve much better and he knows it too.

We all chill for a while and decide to start a bonfire. Jonas got the beers and I had a cocktail with a towel around me. It was getting chilly. I decided to go in and put on some clothes as I was still soaked. I went in and to my room, put on some loose tee and shorts and walked out. Just then, I bumped into Keith. He was standing in the kitchen with a bottle of beer and texting someone. I walk up to him, concerned.

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