Chapter 19: We all make mistakes

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I stare at Keith, waiting for him to respond.

"Keith? Who is Sia?" I ask again. This time he answers, looking down in guilt.

"She is the same Sia from high school. works in the same office as I do." he responds and I look at him.

"The same Sia who tried to hit on you throughout high school works with you and you don't think that is something you tell your fiancée?" I ask as I put the phone down.

"Did anything ever happen between you guys since she's been here?" I ask and he looks down at the floor.

"Nothing like you think. We just went to dinner once and she kissed me but that was it..." he replies and I look at him, shocked.

"What? when did that happen and why didn't you tell me? Wait, did you kiss her back?" I ask as I get off the bed and stand in front of Keith.

"Keith...did you kiss her back?!" I ask a bit louder but yet try to keep my voice down as our parents were asleep upstairs.

"A few months ago, I drank a bit too much that night and so I didn't know what I was doing, it didn't mean anything Stace. I swear!"

"What?! What the heck? We're getting married in a week for Christ's sake...I want to hear it. Did you kiss her back or was it more than that?" I ask again and Keith tried to touch me but I shoved his hand off.

"Yes...yes I did. Just a kiss Stacy. But it didn't mean-" I didn't let him finish his sentence as I walk out the room. He was following me and tried to make me stop by holding my arm.

"Stace, don't leave. I'm sorry, I should've told you. C'mon, we're getting married in a few days baby." he says and I turn around to respond to him before heading out the door.

"It's off, at least for now. I'm sorry too. And great, my luck in men is so great." I say and he holds he holds my face.

"I love you baby." he says and I drop his hands off my face.

"Screw you Keith, screw you. You of all people get drunk and kiss another girl? I got to say, I didn't expect this at all. I was so freaking happy." I reply in a teary tone as I try to hold my tears in but I fail. I walk out the door after taking my keys, heading to the car. I didn't care if it were raining at this point. Keith had finally stopped following me and so I drove off.

I didn't know where I was going but I kept driving until I reached a dark ally. I parked the car on the side and cried. Why would he do this to me? Even if it was unintentional, why hide this? Was I being too dramatic? I couldn't face him after what he had confessed to me that too after forcing it out of him. I would've understood if he didn't find it necessary to tell me that Sia was working with him but not telling me that they kissed was something too far. I was glad to find this out before marrying him. I didn't know if I would be able to forgive him, at least not anytime soon.

I call Sierra but she doesn't answer. I call Gloria but she said she was out of town for the next few days visiting her parents. I hadn't informed my parents that I'd left as it was already late and they were asleep. My last resort was the one I wasn't expecting to be.

"Hey, can I come over? Keith and I got into a fight and I really don't want to be there with him right now, at least for a few days."

"Yeah, come come. I just got back from out so I'm up." Logan replies and I hang up. I drive to his apartment. I know the last person I should be going to is an ex but I had no choice plus Logan and I were strictly friends. I reach his apartment and he opens the door.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about this. I had nowhere to go at this hour." I tell him as I enter his place.

"No worries, I'm glad I can help. Gloria's out of own visiting her parents so I hope you're comfortable with being alone here with me. I'll not be back till 1am anyways tomorrow as I work a double tomorrow so you can do whatever you wish to." he says and I smile. I keep my belongings in his room and sit on the couch. Keith keeps trying to call me but I'm in no mood to speak with him right now so I turn off my phone.

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