Chapter 17: Fifteen

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Keith was waiting for my response. I take a few seconds before I do...

"Keith...but-" I try to speak but he cuts me off by holding my face. It was pouring and thundering like crazy. The headlights were dim but I could see his face clearly. He looked like he meant every word he said.

"No buts and no ifs... I love you and want to spend the rest of my existence with you Stacy James. I want you to be with me till we're old and grey. I want you to be my never before ever, will you? Please?" he says and I couldn't help it. I knew I always have loved him deep down there and now it was clearer than ever that he was so right. A tear sheds down my cheek. I take a moment before responding. I hold his hands.

"Never apart again huh?" I ask him and he nods. I smile and throw my arms around him as his kisses me passionately. I kiss him back with every ounce of love I've ever had for this man. This man, who I've loved since I was 15, this man who's never once failed to show his love and care for me. I love him more than anything and the kiss felt right, more than anything, more than anyone. He pulls away and picks me up, spinning us around as I giggle. He puts me down and looks into my eyes. The rains weren't getting any lesser. He holds my face and kisses me once more before he says,

"I love you, forever and ever."

"I love you Keith, forever and ever and yes I will spend the rest of my life with you." I say and mean it. It finally felt right as I said it to the right person. Keith was clear about wanting a future with me unlike Logan. Keith and I had an incomplete history and now I know why, it was never meant to be 'history'. He takes me home and we were so drenched by the rain. I tried to turn on the lights but the power was out.

Keith lit some candles in the bedroom and as I walk in, he walks to me. I smile and look at him as he slowly takes off the dress I was wearing. He kisses my neck gently and I close my eyes as I feel his lips on my neck... He takes off his shirt and puts me down on the bed. The candle light was falling perfectly on us. He puts the blanket over us and gets on top of me as he kisses me once again. I felt all the love and I wondered why it took us so long to get here but I decided to not question this anymore. We were here, together forever, finally. He took off the rest of my clothes and starts to make passionate love to me. Nothing felt so perfect before. I close my eyes and my fingers were in his hair while he held my other hand, interlocking our fingers. We spent the rest of the night making love to each other and I slept in his arms peacefully under the sheets. I finally felt like the missing puzzle of my life was complete.

It had been a few months since Keith and I had been together now. The last few months were amazing. The happiness I felt with Keith, made me feel complete. We were on the way to the airport for our flight to London to see Adam and Sierra. She was due tomorrow and we decided to spend the week with them. My parents were already there with them and they were excited to see us. When I'd told Sierra about Keith and me, she freaked out, in a good way. She was happy for us and wished us the best in life together. Logan had moved on with Samantha. Turns out she was the one for him. They started seeing each other a week after Keith asked me out. She wasn't a slut that she was pretending to be. They as well are living together. Logan really loves her and I couldn't be happier for him. He told me he knew that Keith and I were endgame due to the unending connection and feelings we always shared. Logan and I don't talk much, it was just once when I bumped into him last week at Target.

"Babe, let's go. It's gate C26." Keith says as he puts his arm around me and we head to our gate. Once we reached London, it was chilly. Unfortunately, and fortunately Sierra was due on December 24th. Unfortunately, because it's freezing and fortunately because who doesn't like a Christmas baby? I throw on my jacket and so does Keith. He holds me close to keep me warm and I blush.

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