Chapter 11: Farewell

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After a few days, finals were over and everyone was excited for prom. I was excited as well but the thought of Logan leaving wore off the excitement. I left from home with Adam as he was going to pick up Sierra for prom early. They had something planned to do before. I drove off to do my nails and then retuned back home. I did my hair first, loose curls and a cute silver pin on the sides which shined. I then put on my beautiful dress and completed my makeup which I kept simple yet elegant.

Once I was ready, my dad called out to me.

"Stace, Logan's here." he said and I smiled. I took a deep breath and walked down the stairs as elegantly as I could. There he was, my man. He looked so handsome in a tux. His eyes were glued on me as he checked me out. My mom rushed in the living room with an old camera and I laughed at how old school she was, I loved it. I'm totally the same.

"Hey you look...beautiful." Logan says and I blush. He takes my hand kisses it as I blush.

"Well, you clean up well, boyfriend." I reply and Logan smiles ear to ear.

"Picture time guys, come on. Prom is a once in a life time thing and you got to make the most of it." my mom said and my dad rolled his eyes playfully. We took some pictures and left for the party.

As we arrived, the destination was so cool and pretty. The photographer clicked a picture of us and we walked in. We notice Adam and Sierra as we wave to them. They do the same.

"I'll get us some punch." Logan says and walks away. I look around and notice Keith. I wonder who's he with. He looks at me and smiles. As he notices Logan's not around me, he walks to me.

"Hey, you look great." he says and I smile at him.

"Thanks Keith. You look good too. Who are you here with anyways?" I ask as he looks at me and laughs.

"Stag. No date." he replies and I oh.

"I see."

"Hey babe, punch?" Logan says, offering me a glass. I take it and thank him. He looks at Keith and smiles but Keith doesn't really acknowledge him.

"Have fun." he says to me and walks away.

"I leave you alone for a minute and the wolves start their hunt." he says and I laugh.

"Well, they all know who I belong to." I reply and Logan smiles.

"Dance with your boyfriend?" he asks and I put out my hand for him to take it. He takes it and we walk to the dance floor.

We dance and my head is resting on Logan's chest. His hands were around my waist as the slow songs played. He looked at me and we kissed. The music and the setting made the kiss even more romantic. Once the slow songs were done, our friends and us got together and danced.

"I need a punch." said Sierra and I looked at her and nodded a no.

"It's probably spiked and you are pregnant. Drink some soda or water. "I say to her and she nods as she walks away with Adam following her. The punch was really good though. I go to the restroom to fix my hair a little and to re do my gloss. As I enter, I see some girls talking and laughing. I ignore them and do my touch up.

"Oh, hey Stacy, beautiful dress." they say and the other two girls giggle. Ugh.

"Thanks Shirley. You look good as well." I reply and they give me a fake smile.

"So, which boyfriend did you get to prom today?" she asked and I looked at her and smiled even though I was starting to get pissed off.

"I mean you did break up with Keith and rushed into it with Logan if I'm not wrong. We didn't even get a chance to sleep with him." she said and I lost it.

A never before ever afterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon