Chapter 8: Pull the trigger

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"Logan..." she said, almost whispering as she looked at the letter, astonished and then a sudden smile appeared on her face. I realized what it meant but I needed to hear it.

She looked up at me and her smile widened as she jumped into my lap. I hugged her and looked at her beautiful face.

"I got in! I got in Logan!" she said in excitement and my smile widened as I hugged her tighter, kissing her all over her face.

"We need to celebrate. Oh baby, you have no idea how happy it makes me that we're going to be living together as planned in the same city, oh my God." I say and she nods.

"I'm so happy Logan. Yay!" she says and we both giggle.

We go for lunch as planned but I make a stop on the way. She has no idea why. I get out of the car and buy some flowers for my girl. I'm so proud of her and excited for our future together. I get in the car and hand over the flowers. She smiles and thanks me, giving me a cute kiss on the cheek. She smelled the flowers and smiled, closing her eyes.

After lunch, we go to her place as her parents invited us for dinner and to celebrate us getting into college. This was the first time I was going to meet her entire family together. I am pretty serious with this girl and I need to tell my parents so as well, soon.

"Hey, I know I met you before but we never really got the chance to really jell." Adam said, giving me a firm handshake. I smiled at him and greeted her parents and sister. Emily smiled at me and looked at her parents, going out of the house with another friend.

"She has a sleep over today with her best friend Gia." Stacy's mom said, giving me a big smile as she went off to the kitchen. It was just Stacy, me and her dad now.

"So, Logan." Stacy's dad, Peter, said in a stern voice.

"Yes Sir." I replied to Stacy's dad.

"Oh, call me Peter."

"Okay. Yes...Peter."

"What are your plans now as you've gotten into Georgia tech?" he asked, crossing his leg on top of the other, arms folded. I leaned back a little and held Stacy's hand who smiled at me.

"I plan to go into Cyber Security and from there I shall continue in that very field." I replied, being honest.

"Good, I like a man with a plan. Good choice Stacy." he said and we both smiled. Stacy's mom entered and brought us something to munch on. I stayed without eating much, keeping place for dinner.

"Beer son?" Peter asked and I nodded a no. He smiled, almost proudly. Now I do drink beer but I needed to impress her family. I am sure they know I do drink during parties.

We finished dinner and Stacy walked me out to the car. Her parents were in the kitchen and Adam went to hang out with Keith and the boys.

"So..." Stacy held my hand and I twirled her around, pulling her close.

"So... I guess that went well then.?" I asked her and she nodded a yes.

"Very well. They like you already." she says and I kiss her on the forehead.

"I love you." I said honestly and she kissed me.

"I love you too."

"Would your parents let you stay the night at mine?" I asked and she looked back at her door.

"Give me five." she said and went back in.

While I was waiting, a notification popped up on my phone.

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