is this seat taken?

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i wasn't trying to be mean
when i saw,
but walked right past
and didn't ask to sit beside you;
i know i said
i wouldn't treat you differently,
but please believe it wasn't you i lied to -
i've tried to be indifferent,
but i just can't be,
when the thought of
offending you again
absolutely wrecks me,
but now i can't tell
how i should proceed,
so please, tell me,
may i have this seat?


I ignored someone, trying to act nonchalant and avoid the awkward discomfort of social ineptitude trying to mend a friendship with an absolute angel, and I regret it to this day. I probably would have regretted sitting next to them, too, but you know what they say about the grass. In infinite other universes, I did it though, and in at least one of them, we became friends again.

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