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We all know that everyone and every animal has one life and they all should treat their life carefully or your life will be taken away and you can't go back to the living world. Sometimes like we do have different lives like hiding our secret identity and come up with a name, its like we two lives. Just like Cat Noir and Marinette having double lives.

Characters belong to (c) Zagtoon.


(Adrien's POV)

They always say that every human and animal has one life and they have to be very careful about losing that life. Well, my story begins when I was just an ordinary rich model boy for my father's brand company. Boring career for a 14-year-old as myself but it is what it is. Having one life as it goes by feels like I missed out on my childhood. But that night changed when I became Cat Noir.

(End of POV)

A beautiful day in Paris, the city of love. Criminal activity has been increasing slightly but the city has a female young hero to come and save the day. She was a Ladybug-themed one hence her name. The public symbolizes her as the miraculous superhero because of her luck.

Every danger she manages to defeat and fix the damage caused by them.

Right now, a young teenage blond boy in a car by his bodyguard was now dropped off and is on his way upstairs to school, "Yup this is it" He took a deep breath and walked inside. He was glad that he made his father give him a chance to go to school to make new friends and learn new things rather than be homeschooled.

"Now where to find my class" He goes through the hallway, "There it is" He goes to the classroom.

"Adrikins!" A loud blonde girl with sapphire eyes clings to him.

"Whoa! Chloe?!" Adrien was surprised to see her.

"You're finally at the same school as me!" Chloe then tried to kiss him but he avoided her.

"Yes, but I'm not here for popularity, I'm here to have a new life. So please, personal space" Adrien begged her to give him space.

Chloe scowls at him for ignoring her. Adrien has been friends with her for a long time but he doesn't like her spoiled brat behavior.

"Okay, class. Let's get started. I would like to introduce you to a new student" The teacher said.

"Hey everyone. My name's Adrien Agreste. It is an honor to join your school" Adrien said.

Some of the girls squealed in excitement to see the famous model in school.

Especially one blue-haired girl with Chinese traits, "Wow, so good looking" Her jaw dropped, only for her friend to close it.

The model boy takes his seat next to the DJ boy, "Hey there, the name's Nino" Nino said.

"Nice to meet you," Adrien said.

"I could say the same dude. Aren't you the boy on the fashion ads?" Nino asked.

"That's me," Adrien said.

"It's so nice to see you in person, dude," Nino said.

"Thank you" Adrien replied.

Adrien was doing very well on his first day at school, getting to know outside the mansion and learning new things. Especially having lunch at the food cafeteria. He really felt like he fit right in. But one thing that he doesn't know is that every school has nasty bullies.

Nine LivesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora